What happens to me

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Okay, so I'm taking a break from torturing Janis and instead turning the angst to Damian (I apologise in advance).

This particular one shot may be a little bit sadder due to its topic so veiwer digression is advised.

Trigger warning: possible death and  mentions of cancer


To say that Damian had been feeling off all day was an understatement. His lungs felt as if they were going to simultaneously burst and just fail all together at the same time. His head was pounding and his legs felt like jelly. It was surprising that he had even made it out of bed this morning. The sun, for some reason, had been unbelievably bright and had stunned Damian as he walked out of his house. Leaving him blinking up at the star in exhaustion and confusion.

It had taken Janis walking over to him and placing her hand on the small of his back to make him snap out of his daze, "Hey there Love." She said softly, "Are you feeling alright?" She was the only person, aside from his mother, who knew what he had been going through. Although when she had found out, it had been very badly received.


Damian had invited her round for the night, telling he the needed to tell her something important and that it really couldn't wait untill after the end of Junior year. They had been sat in his basement playing Mario Cart for about an hour when he put his controller down and turned to his best friend.

"Janis. I need to tell you something, something important." He said slowly, his eyes held a sense of urgency that Janis wasn't used to seeing on her friends face, "You can't tell Cady...at least not yet."

Janis took her friends hands in her own, a nervous laugh escaping her as she did so. Her eyes scanned the boy slowly, "Damian you're scaring me. What's wrong?"

Damian almost burst into tears right there. The idea that he was scaring Janis, a girl who was usually so cool about everything, and would continue to scare her upset him a lot more than he liked. He took a deep breath and began to speak, "Janis you know I had that hospital appointment at the end of last month," when the girl nodded he continued, "Well we got the test results back this morning."

"Where they good results?" The girl asked, her grip on his hands tightening in alarm as she braced herself for a bad answer.

Damian shook his head slowly, "No Jan. They weren't good. I'm sick JanJan and it's really bad." His voice cracked and he say Janis visibly flinch in front of him.

"How sick Damian? How sick?"

"I have a malignant tumour on my left lung." He whispered, not dareing to look at his friend.

Janis was smart enough to know what that meant, she gasped, "Cancer?" She uttered softly, her voice breaking as she spoke. Damian nodded sadly as Janis released a shaky breath, "Can't they operate and get rid of it?"

He nodded again, "Jan the doctors don't know if it will have spread by then. If it does there isn't much anyone can do. I don't want to go through chemo, my gran did and it made her so sick. If it spreads it'll kill me."

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