Better start running

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I wrote this purely because I absolutely love protective Damian so I had to write about it.

Also Janis being inconveniently sarcastic is just me all over so I had to write that in as well.

Just a warning there's no blood or graphic depictions of violence but there is mentions of kidnapping.



Janis leant back in her seat, mildly annoyed about the fact that she couldn't actually move very far but it was her own fault for getting herself into that position in the first place so she made do. If her nose wasn't itching up a storm she probably would have been a lot less annoyed, somehow the punches and kicks being thrown at her didn't really measure up to a itchy nose.

Which in reality was laughable and was probably just the adrenalin talking. In the morning, if she lived that long, she would ache, that was for sure. The fact that she was tied down to a chair in the basement if some evil masterminds lair didn't seem to matter so much when she thought about the promise she had made Damian not to get kidnapped.

Clearly she had been unsuccessfull in keeping that promise because she was sure if she asked him Damian was say that, yes, getting snatched up during a routine mission and tied to a chair defiantly counted as kidnapping. And she would tease him for the overprotectiveness later but she really did want to get out of the chair, so him hurrying up on the saving her life bit, would have been nice.

The woman interrogating her landed a heavy punch to her gut, causing Janis to double over as best she could in her chair gasping and spitting up a small amount of blood from where she had bit through her toung. The woman smirked and in a thick Spanish accent said, "Just tell me where your team is based and I will let you go."

Spitting the gathered blood out of her mouth, Janis stared up at the woman through her hair and glared determinedly at her, "Go to hell." She spat, her Spanish coming out fluently and clear. Turns out those extra language lessons her mother had forced her to do in high school would come in handy at some point. It was a little ironic that the situation was this dire though.

The woman seemed to falter a little at Janis's fluency, it was satisfying to see her facade slip for just a second, "Don't show off little girl." She then growled, grabbing Janis's chin between her thumb and forefinger and pulling her face upwards, "It will not end well for you."

Rolling her eyes Janis pulled her head away, making a mental note that now wasn't really the time to be sarcastic and then immediately throwing it away, "Listen crazy lady. We've been at this for hours and I haven't spilt a drop of info. I'm not going to and it doesn't look like you're going to either so could you please...please just kill me?" She grinned at the woman's confused expression, "I really wanna watch from the heaven's as my partner tears you limb from limb."

There was the muffled sound of gunshots and alarmed shouts in the background. Janis smirked in triumpth when she heard them, tugging her chin out of the woman's grip and relaxing back in her chair with a satisfied chuckle, "Better start running." She taunted as the woman spun around in alarm when the noises arrived outside the door.

Then the door exploded inwards.

Janis would have to remind Damian at a later date that blowing up the door to the room she was being interrogated in probably wasn't the best way to get her out alive, she quite enjoyed the part of her life that didn't involve getting kidnapped and tortured, thank you very much.

When the dust finally settled, Janis scanned the room curiously and couldn't help the small, hysterical, laugh that escaped her when she saw her interrogator crumpled on a heap on the floor a few feet away. She couldn't help but think about how she would have loved to dispatch the particularly unbearable woman herself, but she supposed Damian probably wasn't in the mood for arguments.

He was stood in the once doorway, now massive gaping hole, with a look of pure fury on his normally scarily passive face. Janis found herself a little scared that his anger would be focused on her and not the guys who had kidnapped her, but the way Damians entire stance relaxed and seemed to soften when her saw her quickly diminished that fear.

"Oh my god Janis!" He breathed in relife, rushing over to her and tugging on the zip ties, apparently the enemy couldn't afford better restraints, untill they snapped and released her hands. Which had red lines carved into them from where she had first freaked out upon waking up in a strange place, and were red and raw.

Pulling Janis into his arms Damian felt the girl shudder as she hugged him tightly. Sure they both put up pretty good facades when working but they were both, Janis especially, delicate and only human after all. They could still get scared and unsurprisingly Janis didn't want to die.

"Are you okay?" Damian asked, checking over his partners body and growling angrily at the number of brusies that marred her pail skin. It had not been the plan for anyone to get kidnapped, they hadn't even been aware that the opposing group was in the vicinity during their mission, let alone the same building.

Shooting him a weak but unforced smile Janis relaxed a little, "Better now you're here. She was not giving up, I really thought I was going to lose a tooth or something." She drawled sarcastically, bringing a smile to Damians face despite the situation.

Pulling her to her feet Damian hugged her again and then punched her lightly in the arm, "You promised me you wouldn't get kidnapped!" He cried in feigned annoyance.

Helping another agent who had come into the room pull up the interrogator and put handcuffs in her Janis pulled a face, "It's kinda hard to keep a promise when the enemy is oh so set in breaking it for you." She shrugged and shoved the woman towards the agent, winking at Damian playfully.

Heading back towards Damians arms Janis attached herself to his side and began to walk out with him, breathing in his comforting scent of vanilla and lavender, and attempting to calm her still fast beating heart, "Really though. Thanks for saving me. I didn't know if you'd have noticed I was gone before it was already too late."

Damian snorted despite himself, "Honey we are attached at the hip. I'm offended you actually think I could forget about you. Now dibbs on interrogating the kidnapper first," he stated, pulling her into him, "I have a few choice words I wish to share with her."

"Whatever you say love. I'm having a bath and then sleeping for the next one hundred years once we get home. You can have her for all I care. But speak to her in Spanish because the look on her face when I spoke fluently to her was something I want to share with you." Janis replied, her voice quieting with each word as she grew more and more tired and less and less ready to fight.

Pressing a kiss to her dust filled hair Damian nodded, "Anything for you sweets. And also well done. You are handling this unbelievably well." He said with an impressed smile.

Janis shook her head slightly and smirked again, "Oh I'm freaking out internally, it's gonna be fun later when the adrenalin wears off." She comments sarcastically.

"It's alright I'll be there. And you're safe now, I never actually got to have a proper fight with anyone so I'm prept for battle. I'll protect you." Damian squeezed her close to him, lifting her into his arms when she slumped tiredly against him and emailing softly when her head burrowed its way to the crook of his neck.

"You always do." She murmmered tiredly.

And that was true, he did always protect her. He always would as well.


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