You're bad news!

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Sorry if the spelling is terrible I was tired when I wrote this.

This chapter is what I think would have happend if Janis had been braver and confronted Regina in eight grade. Its obviously on the basis that Janis and Damian were already secretly friends.


Janis rushed through the halls of Northshore, desperately hopeing she could find Regina and ass her why, why had she done this to her?

The head plastic was stood, in all her 12 year old glory with two suck ups that Janis had never met before standing behind her. There was an evil, gleeful glint in her eye, and a smirk on her lips that said she had done something big. Something big and most likely bad.

It was a pity that Janis already knew what had been done, Regina would never have got to see her original reaction. She rushed up to the blond and pushed her back roughly, telling a triumphant smile play accros her lips as the girl stumbled and almost fell backwards.

The two girls behind Regina helped the blonde up in a scrambling motion, both flinching when they were waved off by the now extremely angry blond, "What they hell do you think you're doing Janis?" She asked in a sickly sweet voice.

Janis stepped forward, her arms crossed over her chest so she wouldn't punch Regina in the face, "This is not a time to be asking me questions Regina. I tell you something in confidence and you what? Tell the hole school? That was a stupid move, even for you."

Reginas face faltered a little at the idea that Janis had already found out, but as quick as it had slipped, her facade of innocence was back up again, "Well I had to tell everyone what you are, didn't I? People like you are dangerous Janis. It's not my fault you prey on innocent girls!"

By now a audience had gathered around them, some watching in apprehension, some sniggering alone and a few recording the confrontation on their phones. Janis felt her face heat up in anger and fought the urge to lunge at Regina, instead clenching her fists at her side's and taking a deep, shaky breath.

Damian had appeared at the edge of the crowd, a terrified look on his face as he shook his head almost indistinguishablely in Janis's direction. Begging her not to do anything stupid.

"I do not prey on girls! I could never. Besides you have that role filled to a T." Janis said, her face suddenly eerily calm as she planned to out Regina the same way she had been outed.

The blonds face flushed an ugly shade of red and she made a strangled noise, poking Janis hard in the chest and almost knocking her over, "How dare you! How dare you say that after all I have done for you?"

Janis laughed humoulessly, "After all you have done for me? You mean manipulating me into becoming your toy and then scaring me into submission for three years? We used to be friends Regina! You used to be the only person I could talk to! And that wasn't because you're a girl and I a lesbian. Or because I'm a creep. It was because I trusted you!" She laughed again, "How stupid was I to think I could actually trust you? Cause all you've done and gone is thrown that trust back in my face!"

Regina grinned again, "Maybe you should be careful what you say to people, and who you say it to." She drawled, "Besides it's out of my hands now. You just openly admitted you're a lesbian. And you did it on camera."

Janis could have face planes right then and there, instead she ran her hand through her thick brown hair which she had refused to dye blond on Reginas request a few weeks ago after Damian mentioned how she defiantly didn't need to. He had said she'd be beautiful without and now she was happy she had believed him.

"What is wrong with you?" She cried in distress, "I mean what the hell? I am reaching out to you, trying desperately to figure out what made you do this, because I don't want to believe you are a bad person. Despite everything you have done! And you still can't get out of your own way! You know what? Forget it Regina. You are not worth my time."

She turned around to walk away with Damian, taking his hand when she reached him and going to push through the crowd, when she was pulled back violently by Regian. Her blond hair flying everywhere as she tugged on Janis's arm, "Don't turn your back on me!" She shrieked, crying out when Damian grabbed her hand and threw it off Janis's arm, not gently by the way, growling protectivly.

Janis pushed her back again, "I should have turned my back on you ages ago!" She screamed right in the blonde face, "You are bad news Regina George! You are a bitch and if you keep living like this that is all you will ever be! So for God's sake grow up before someone finally dethrones you! You don't own this school! You're a kid, we all are! Stop acting like you're In charge just because you happen to think people like you. News flash: they don't! Every kid in this school is terrified of you because you are such a mean person. You put yourself on a pedestal and put everyone one else ten feet under just because you can! That is not right and that is not fair!" She took a moment to watch as Reginas face changed from one of triumph to one of fear, "The next time you try to hurt another kid just because you can, think about what's going to happen to you when I find out."

"Is that a threat Sarkisian?" Regina drawled in a somewhat shaky voice.

"No." Janis stated firmly, "Its a promise. From now on the kids of this school are under my protection. Heaven forbid you do something like this again. I'll have you expelled. Don't think I don't already have enough evidence of your abuse to all of us cause I do. Be very careful, or you can kiss that perfect report goodbye. I'll ruin you chances to get into college, maybe that'll teach you a lesson."

Spinning on her heel Janis pulled out the pink scrunchy from her hair and threw it at Regain, laughing when the girl barley caught it. The she once again grabbed Damians hand and pushed through the crowds.

Finally free.

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