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Okay I'm posting this now because if I don't do it now I never will.
I wrote this a while ago and never thought it would actually see the light of day so I really hope you guys like it.

Obviously I am not a doctor so don't hold me to anything I've written, if could well be inaccurate.



Damian held her hand with tear stained cheeks and shaky breaths. She could have died. Janis could have been dead and he would have lost his best friend and possible soulmate all because of a stupid prank that had gone wrong.

Sure the students responsible were being prosecuted to hell by Janis's mother and were surely going to be in a large amount of trouble but that didn't excuse the predicament Janis was in now.

She lay in the hospital bed, pail and dead looking. Her beautiful two toned hair hanging limp around her face and her eyes shut tightly. She had been that way for the last three days and although the doctors knew she had a back injury, they wouldn't know the extent of it untill she woke up.

Damian didn't want to be the one to tell her she might never walk again, that wasn't something he ever wanted to happen. But neither of them were lucky. Not in that way.


There was a small whimper from beside him and Damian sat up a little straighter, retaking her hand and squeezing it, "Hey there JanJan." He whispered as her eyes fluttered open with a kind of sleepy haze.

"Damian." She whispered tiredly, their eyes meeting and a small smile filling her face, "Hi." She angled her head on the pillow towards him, not having the energy to lift it.

"Hey sweets." He felt himself return her smile, "How are you feeling darling?"

Janis's eyes slipped lazily to the hand he held and then scanned the room in a feverish manner, "Tired." She muttered, "What happend?"

"You don't remember?"

Janis shook her head, her eyes going a little wider.

"You were the victim to a particularly cruel prank, you got hurt JanJan. I found you crumpled on the ground outside of Regina George's house." He released a shaky breath and placed a hand on her leg, "What were you thinking love?"

Janis didn't seem to hear him. All her attention was focused on her leg and the hand that Damian had placed on it. Her eyes were slowly glazing over and filling with tears.

"Janis what's wrong?" Damian asked urgently.

Her eyes slid over to him and she sobbed loudly, "Damian I can't feel my legs." She uttered, her voice broken and raspy, "I can't feel my legs." She repeated again as if to solidify it.

Damians heart broke, his eyes watering even though he refused to cry, it wasn't his place, "Oh JanJan. Oh honey I'm so sorry." He sat on the edge of her bed and pulled her into a tight hug, kissing her forehead, "We'll figure this out sweets, I promise we will."


When the doctor came in he saw the state Janis was in and didn't ask questions, he didn't need to, it was very clear what was wrong.

"Your mother requested that I tell you the full extent of your injuries once you woke up." The doctor stated, flipping a sheet of paper over the top of his clipboard to read the one underneath.

"My mother? She was here?" Janis asked, perking up the most she could considering her position.

"Yeah, she had to go back to work, but says she loves you." Damian answered, massaging her knuckle.

"When you were bought in you had a severe concussion and a fractured spine. We didn't know the full extent of your back injury but we were assuming there would be some loss of movement. I'm very sorry Miss Sarkisian." The doctor nodded towards her solemnly.

"It's okay." Janis sniffed, "You tried to help. It wasn't you who did this to me." She held Damians hand tighter and squeezed her eyes shut tighter as she held back tears.

The doctor took this as his cue to leave and shut the door as he did.

The moment he was gone Janis burst into tears and buried her face in Damians shoulder, crying in anger and utter heartbreak.


Three months later

Damian pushed Janis's chair down the road as they he walked her home from school. Usually she would steer herself but he had found her sat outside the Cafeteria drawing in her sketchbook and she hadn't even noticed when he began pushing her she was so engrossed in her drawing.

"Hey JanJan?" Damian called, gaining her attention for a brief period of time, "What would you do if I let you go at the top of the road?"

Janis sat her book on her lap and turned to him, glaring playfully, "I'd kill you, that's what would happen."

"Oh, too bad!" He let go of the handles, making sure to jog behind the chair so she wouldn't end up in a bush or something.

Janis gripped the armrests, "Damian Hubbard!" She shrieked, laughing as he grabbed ask onto the handles and leant forward so his feet were off the ground and they were both barreling down the road.

The sound of her laughter was music to his ears, "Weeeeeeeeeee!" He cried as the chair sped up and they both began to laugh like maniacs.

"If we die, I'm gonna kill you!" Janis called over the sound of the wind rushing past them.

"And if our mother's catch us we'll both be dead anyway!" Damian called back, grinning at the shrieks of laughter he was managing to get out of his best friend.

She had been getting better. The nightmares becoming less frequent and the colour slowly returning to her face so her cheeks would flush red when she laughed or was embarrassed. She had gotten stronger and braver when it came to the teasing at school (To the point that she had threatened to run enough people over, that the entire school left her alone now).

Damian was finally getting his friend back. He didn't care that she wouldn't walk again and after a while neither did she. Because they had one another and if push came to shove he would just piggyback her everywhere, neither of them were that proud.

By the time they reached the Hubbard residence they were both red faced from laughing and looking happier that they had in what seemed like years. Ma Hubbard and Mrs Sarkisian came out the front door as they reached the house, both of them sharing knowing looks.

"Damian Hubbard you better not have been joyriding that chair again" Ma Hubbard chided with the least amount of sincerity she could muster.

"Last time you almost killed my daughter!" Mrs Sarkisian added, laughing as both the teens became ever redder than before.

"Well then in that case," Damian scooped Janis up into his arms as she shrieked and shot into the house, leaving her chair and sketchbook in the front garden, "I'll have to carry her everywhere!" He called down the stairs, ignoring the chiding yells he got from both the parents and just revelling in the delightful laughter that was falling form Janis's lips.

"You are gonna get yourself in to so much trouble one day Hubbard." She giggled, holding onto his shoulders.

"That may be true Sarkisian, but you will also be in trouble for condoning it!" Damian teased, his voice equal parts laughter and talking. Reaching his room Damian threw Janis onto his bed as she squealed and flopped down next to her, alive with happiness, "God. I've missed your laugh."

Janis grinned at him, "Yeah. So have I."

Things had gone wrong and people had been hurt. But they were mending themselves the only way they knew how. Together. And together they would always be.

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