how they deal with corona

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- lowkey freaked out for awhile but we don't talk about that
- stopped the superhero work for you and your kids safety
- probably used your underwear as a mask at least once
- helped the kids with online school and such
- got over the freaked out phase after like a week


- wasn't even surprised
- bought cool masks for everyone
- scented hand sanitizer all around
- comforted you when you got laid off
- posted about how it was going on her socials


- thought it was a joke at first
- didn't wear a mask until you forced him to
- only realized how bad it was after a month
- productivity in quarantine: -20
- was only really being safe because you wanted him to be


- was literally so shook
- thought it was an alternative way to end the world
- probably would spray someone with cleaner if given the chance
- was extra careful not to get you or your kids sick
- ended up homeschooling your kids


- half panicked, half chill
- got everything delivered to the house
- way more protective than you would expect
- made dad jokes about it
- didn't understand half the things your kids were learning but still tried to help
- finally learned to cook


- was mostly chill
- only wore masks if she had to (they annoyed her a lot)
- more protective of your kids and their safety than her own
- insisted that only she could go get groceries so that you would be safer
- thought that people that were panicking were overreacting

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