Chapter Five

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EDITED 11/8/2021

June 17, 2017

Alec started to regain consciousness to the sensation of unfamiliar lips against his own. When he became more aware, he realized that Jem was pushing on his chest. His Parabatai stopped and started to lean down to press his lips to Alec's once more, but Alec immediately held a hand up to keep his Parabatai at a distance.

"Don't you dare kiss me again." He sat up, coughing and ignored the intense pain in his head and chest.

"Careful, careful!" Jem cautioned, helping Alec with a hand against his back. "You were starting to fade, my rune started going gray."

"I'm fine," Alec coughed again, looking around. "Where's Rafael?"

The boy in question rushed forward into Alec's chest making the man hold back a barely concealed scream of anguish. Pain rushed throughout his chest and down into his abdomen. He nearly vomited as his vision was overwhelmed by dark spots. He fought the sensations though, pushing them down and focusing on the child in his arms, instead.

"Hey, honey." He rasped. "I'm alright. It's alright, I've got you, sweetheart."

Rafael just burrowed further into his chest, fisting his torn, soot covered shirt in his little hands.

"Were there any survivors?" Alec asked Jem and Tessa.

Tessa shook her head sadly. "Just you."

"But even that was a close call." Jem added. "You nearly died with them. Your heart wasn't beating and you weren't breathing when I pulled you out."

Alec looked down at Rafael again, his cheeks were tear-stained and his eyes were fearful. He used Alec's thigh to propel himself upward and wrap his little arms around Alec's neck, burying his face into the older man's shoulder.

"I should probably take him home." Alec told his friends. "The Institute is destroyed." He gestured to the burned and broken building. "We've won here."

Jem nodded and helped his Parabatai stand up. Alec cradled Rafael in his arms and leaned heavily on Jem. "Tessa can make us a portal." Jem caught Alec's hand as his brother in all but blood went to wave it around to conjure the portal. "Right, Tess?"

Tessa smiled and said: "Of course." at the same time that Alec questioned "Us?"

Tessa waved her hands with ease and conjured a portal for the pair. Jem smirked at his Parabatai.

"Did you really think I'd let you go alone?" He asked. "I need to make sure you two get there safely and that Magnus is aware of what happened."

Alec huffed but allowed Jem to start half-carrying him to the Portal.

"Tell your Magnus that I say hello, will you, brother?" Tessa asked Alec.

"Of course, Tessa." Alec smiled weakly. "Thank you."

The three of them then stepped through the portal with Rafael cradled in Alec's arms and found themselves in the bedroom Alec shared with Magnus. Magnus was nowhere to be seen so Jem stuck his head out the bedroom door and called for him while Alec and Rafael settled on the end of the bed.

It took barely a minute for Magnus to be rushing into the bedroom and launching himself into Alec's arms. Alec cried out and so did Rafael as Alec nearly dropped him,

"Alexander?!" Magnus exclaimed sounding terrified.

Alec set Rafael on the bed next to him and leaned over clutching at his chest. Jem rushed forward and helped Alec remove his shirt. His chest and abdomen were horribly bruised. Jem pointed to the large bruise in the middle of his chest.

"That one's probably my fault, from the CPR." Jem explained. "I'd say I'm sorry, but it brought you back, so I'm not."

"CPR?" Magnus asked, sounding as though he may faint.

Alec tried to look up into his husband's eyes, but everything was blurry.

"Magnus." He whispered. "It hurts."

Magnus immediately took Alec by the shoulders, guiding him to lay back on the bed and he leaned over his husband. Magnus held his hands out above Alec as Rafael scurried over to their sides and tried to climb onto Alec.

The little boy tried to shield the injured Shadowhunter-Warlock, pushing Magnus away from him. Magnus caught the boys' hands in his own and made eye contact with him,

"No, Nino." Magnus chided him, gently. "I'm trying to help him."

Magnus moved the child out of the way and placed his hands above Alec's chest once more, pushing healing magic into his husband.

Alec sighed in relief as Magnus's magic washed over him and healed whatever was wrong with him. It took several moments, and Alec was pretty positive that he felt his ribs popping back into place as if they had been broken, which he supposed was fairly likely considering a building had fallen on him.

When he was done, Magnus let one hand drop down to rest over Alec's heart. Alec reached up and grabbed Magnus's hand with one of his own. His thumb stroked the back of Magnus's hand lovingly as Magnus's other hand came up to rest on the top of Alec's head and stroked his hair.

With his cat eyes on display, Magnus gazed down at his husband with love and worry.

"What did you get yourself into this time, Alexander?" He asked.

"A burning building fell on top of me." Alec admitted.

"I beg your pardon?" Magnus demanded; his voice was dangerously calm.

"I also found us another kid." He gestured over to Rafael. "Surprise?"

Jem snorted and Magnus did not look pleased at Alec's clear attempt at avoiding the topic and Alec swallowed nervously.

"He knowingly entered a burning building in hopes of evacuating it. He was the only survivor." Jem explained.

Magnus was still glaring down at Alec. This wasn't going to be a fun conversation.

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