Chapter one

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Hello everyone  I am new at writing so please excuse  my English if you find any mistakes - English is not my first language.

This first Chapter describes Anna's life before college .. If you don't want to read about it and just want to immediately read about her college life. Start reading at chapter two, however keep in mind that some of the things mentioned in chapter one will be helpful in understanding things later in the story.

Anyway enjoy. Lol


***Anna's life before college****

I groaned loudly as I woke up. Great! I have a freaking headache and.. Guess whose fault it was again?

My dad's, of course.

It was all his fault I had trouble trusting people.

It was all his fault I had no friends.

It was all his fault I quit everything I had started: Ballet in grade 1, soccer in grade 3, Basketball in grade 9 and the list goes on. Just because he was never there for me.

It was all his fault I turned out to be this.. Bitter.

And last but not least, it was all his fault I cried my eyeballs out yesterday before going to sleep.

Today, my father was getting married to Tracy.

Who's Tracy you might ask?

Tracy was his twenty-one year old lover whom he cheated with on my mom. My mother hadn't suspected anything or at least I thought she hadn't..

I found out a little later that she had known of the whole thing but ignored it for years. In hopes that one day, her loving husband would stop cheating and come back to her...

She was blinded by her love for my father.

He had always had somewhere to go, business meetings, business trips and he was never home.

When my mom finally mustered up the courage to confront him he beat her and told her that without him, we and I quote, "little shits" , wouldn't survive.

After all he was the one who brought the money home. Right?

I never considered that man as my father really, he was just a stranger who contributed to my birth.

After years of putting up with all of that my mother had finally had enough and filed for divorce.

My mother ended up not getting anything from him after the divorce,

So we moved out to a small two bedroom apartment and I had to start working as a waitress to help my mother out.. it was exactly two months later that we learned my father was getting married to twenty one year old Tracy.

Who knew it would be bitchy Tracy who would try to mend my relationship with my father.

Ironic right?

She would always try to convince him to pay us a visit and had the guts to ask me to be her bridesmaid. I told her to fuck off.

There was no way in hell I was going to their wedding.


Even though I'd been through a lot I had managed to stay strong and keep my grades up.

Thankfully, I got a scholarship and I was going off to college in one day. I am planning on starting a new page in my life.

I am going to forget all about my horrible father and get a fresh start.

"Morning Annaa!" My mother said loudly snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I spat at my mother instantly regretting my tone seeing as her eyes had started to tear up.

I instantly pulled her into a hug "Oh i'm so sorry mom I did not mean to make you cry!"

My mother ment everything to me, she was my world, my rock. I had no friends because I had pushed everyone away.. I chose to focus on school instead.

Again, it was all my dad's fault.

"I'm...n...ot crying bec..ause hu of what you hu said A..nn..a. I-I j..ust can't believe my little girl is all grown up and going off to college in just day I w..ill m..iss you so much swee..tie"

I pulled her in tighter "Awww Momm don't make me cry too! I will miss you too!"

When my stomach growled my mother chuckled, got up and wiped away her tears.

"Alright enough crying for today get up let us have breakfast you are obviously pretty hungry." She said smiling.

And I was.

I followed my mom to the kitchen where two plates of eggs, sausages, hash browns and pancakes were already set up.

My eyes widened and I quickly ran to my plate and hungrily devoured it

I looked up to my mom and noticed she had a hint of sadness on her face I knew it wasn't only because I was going off to college but because my father was getting married today and I knew it affected her more than she let on.

When my mom spotted me looking at her she quickly covered up her sadness with a smile.

After I finished eating I thanked my mother for breakfast, went up to my room and started packing up my things for college.


This was a short chapter.. just introduced the main character and her life so far.

I hope you liked it... I will start writing the second chapter soon :)

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