Chapter sixteen

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"Sweetie, that's no way to greet me, I am practically your mother now!" The woman said as she squeezed Anna's cheeks

What is she talking about?

"You're not my fucking mom Tracy" Anna snapped flinching away from her

"Oh stop it!" she said plastering on a fake smile "You've always had this bizzare sense of humour Anna" She pushed past us and walked inside "I came by to see you silly!"

Whoever this lady was, I could tell that Anna didn't like her, which meant I didn't like her either.

"Whatever" Anna said rolling her eyes

"Anyway" Tracy turned to look at me "Who are you?" She pointed at me and Anna "Are you guys together? Oh my god it's about time you got yourself a boyfriend Anna, how'd you land this one anyway? He's really handsome! you've always been this despressed little girl it's about ti-"

"Shut the hell up we're not together okay!" Anna interrupted her angrily

"Oh, well aren't you gonna introduce us?" Tracy asked

"Fine. Tracy, this is Isaac my friend from college. Isaac this is Tracy, my Stepmom. " Anna said sighing

Stepmom? This chick looks like she's Anna's age.

"Nice to meet you Isaac" she said looking me up and down then batting her fake lashes at me


"Wait" Tracy suddenly looked confused and started studying my face "Do I know you from somewhere?"

Fuck! This can't be happening, she can't recognize me!

"Oh no you must be mistaken, I just moved here" I replied

"You have a gorgeous accent, are you from England?"

"Mmhh" I nodded.

Tracy suddenly looked like she just realized something.

Shit Shit Shit please don't recognize me

"Oh I know where I saw you!" She exclaimed "Weren't you on the cover of some magazine? I can't remember the name of it though"

Well fuck.

I opened my mind to say something but Anna beat me to it

"Isaac on the cover of a magazine?" She chuckled "Are you on drugs again, Tracy?"

"I could ask you the same thing, Anna, are you still on drugs?" Tracy snapped at her smirking

What is she talking about? Did Anna take drugs?

I could tell Anna was really angry by what Tracy just said, her eyes began to water and her fists were clenched.

I could tell that Tracy really hit a nerve and that pissed me off, who the fuck does she think she is?

"You little bitch" Anna finally managed to say

"Tracy" a voice spoke making all our heads turn in its direction

"I think it's time for you to leave" Anna's mom said

"Fine, whatever" Tracy glared at Jen then left slamming the door behind her

"I don't know what the hell she wants from us, mom" Anna sighed

"It's okay, calm down honey.. She doesn't matter" She kissed Anna's forehead

"Alright let's go finish our work. I won't let her ruin our thanksgiving" She said to the both of us and we nodded following her to the kitchen.


The rest of the day went amazingly, well apart from me not knowing shit about making a turkey and breaking a plate or two while setting the table, I mean who breaks plates setting the table?

But I ended up learning a lot actually...

Did you know that no matter where you brine your turkey, you should never pull it out of the brine and throw it straight into the oven because it leaves extra moisture on the turkey preventing the skin from getting hot enough to get brown and crisp?


You'll thank me next time you make a turkey.


I couldn't get the events of today out of my head. It's all been so overwhelming, from the crappy building Anna lives in to her being friends with prostitutes and finding out that she has a stepmom who's about her age and most importantly what she said to her earlier today about drugs... I had no idea things were that complicated for Anna. I've got to get to the bottom of this.

But not right now..

Right now, I am going to eat some delicious turkey.

"Turkey's ready!" Jen screamed

Anna and I already set up everything else on the table and we were waiting on Anna's mom to bring out the turkey.

She finally brought it out and sat it on the table

"Thank you so much for your help Isaac" She told me

"What help? You guys did all the work I just ruined everything" I said

"Oh don't be silly, you were perfect" Jen smiled and sat down in her seat

"Alright, hands together" She instructed.

"Dear heavenly father, thank you for this special day, and your goodness to us. thank you for a roof over our heads, and more than enough food to eat, thank you for allowing Anna, Isaac and I to gather around today and enjoy this meal"

"Amen" We all said together

"Let's dig in Shall we?" Jen said

After devouring four plates of turkey, mash potatoes and veggies. I was stuffed.

This was the best thanksgiving I've had in years...

Back in england my dad and I don't celebrate anything together, it's been ten years since we actually sat down and had a proper thanksgiving.

I remember my dad, mom and I being so happy...

That was a long time ago.

My mother had passed when I was eleven years old and since then, my father and I's relationship went downhill. He had completely shut down and stopped caring for me, he seemed to think he was the only one who had lost someone.. His wife. And that I hadn't lost my mom as well.

He started caring more about his companies and businesses and completely forgot he had a son.

So, as a result of that I was raised by nannies...

My dad was rarely home.

And that is why I became a player. I thought that maybe... Just maybe if I caused scandals he would start caring, that I would get his attention.

And it worked, I got his attention,

However negative it was. I didn't care.

I know I sound pathetic...

But I really needed my father.

End of chapter sixteen

In this chapter you learned a little more about Isaac and Anna's troubled.. Past.

Is Tracy a bitch or what?

Hint: Next chapter Anna and Isaac get closer ;) and you'll find out more about Anna's drug issue.



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