Chapter seven

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***Isaac's POV***

What the fuck was I thinking?

Why did I invite her to go somewhere nice?

Shit I am so stupid, she was already skeptical and now she is going to wonder where I got the money from to take her somewhere nice.. And I told her I needed the job badly...

Waiters don't take girls to fancy restaurants! They don't have that kind of money!

I am so dumb what the hell is wrong with me?

Ugh I guess I just couldn't help myself.. I just wanted to take her somewhere nice..impress her...What the fuck? but why? It was usually girls who tried to impress me not the other way around!

Why was I acting like this?

***Anna's POV***

I was surprised when Isaac offered to take me somewhere nice.. I mean wasn't he short on money and needed his job badly?

Oh well I am not going to think too much about it.. It's his problem if he wants to spend his money on me.. Wherever he got it from.

Omg is he a drug dealer????

Haaaaa Isaac? A drug dealer ?

Hahahahaha right.

But Why would Isaac ask me out anyway? 

I guess he is just taking me out as a friend...Besides he said he was doing this to thank me for helping him.

I am cool with that...



I shrugged and pulled out the only decent dress I had, it was a black strapless dress  that went to my knees it was pretty simple..but I liked simple. I then I straightened my hair and put on some mascara and lip gloss, I wasn't going for something over the top seeing as it was lunch time.

I put on my strapped sandals and a nude colored bold necklace to match my nude colored sandals and boom I was done.

I went downstairs and found Isaac waiting for me by a Honda civic, he was looking at something on his phone.

"Hey! I am ready" I said to him.

Looking up from his phone he said "Yeah I-" and then just stood there and stared at me with an unreadable expression

"Um do I have something on my face?" I said trying to wipe something off my face

"Y..ou look ni..ce" Isaac said

I blushed "Thank you, so do you" He truly looked ravishing in a suit! I suddently remembered that I was changing in the dorm so he couldn't have changed while I was in there

"Wait, How did you change?" I asked him confused

"Um well I had some nice clothes in the back of my car so I just changed there" He said chuckling

"Alright let's get going" he added

He held out the door for me then walked over to his seat and started driving.

When we arrived to the restaurant I couldn't believe my eyes it was too fancy! Everyone looked really rich and everything looked too expensive, when he said he was taking me somewhere nice I didn't think it would be.. This nice!

I mean don't get me wrong it's not like I haven't been to places like this before.. Before my father started cheating he would take us to places like this all the time my dad was rich, but I don't get how Isaac could afford a place like this. I mean he had a beat up Honda civic.. I frowned at the thought of my dad, he wasn't really my dad he left mom and I in the dirt and poverty when he was really rich and couldn't care less about us.

Isaac must've noticed me frown so he asked "Hey, are you okay? Do you not like this place?"

"No no it's not that I just remembered something. But seriously though this is too much how can you afford this? We don't have to eat here you know" I told him while pointing to the prices on the menu

His face became sweaty all of a sudden. Weird..he then wiped off his sweat with a handkerchief and smiled "I wanted to do this for you because you have been so helpful and nice to me.. I wanted to thank you so honestly don't worry about the money...because I-I won the lottery Yes that's it I won the lottery"

I looked at him with a look of disbelief "huh?  You won the lottery?" I asked him

" Yes I won ten grand" he answered getting all sweaty again

Somehow I didn't quite believe him but I decided to drop it.


The rest of the evening went pretty well we talked for hours about everything and anything - I told him that I loved to paint and discovered that he had a passion for art as well I was surprised that we had a lot in common. We both didn't mention our families which made me wonder.. Does Isaac have family troubles like I do?

By the time we exited the restaurant  it had started raining I started shivering gosh I'm so stupid for not bringing a jacket.

"Here" Isaac said offering me his jacket

"O-h'll fre-e...ze" I told him

He chuckled "looks like you need it more than I do " he said

I stopped arguing and took it.

When we reached the dorm room it was 4p.m I quickly changed into some comfy sweats and a T-shirt I felt like taking a nap I was tired for some reason. Isaac was laying on his bed and looked like he was going to take nap as well.

"Hey Isaac" I called him

He turned to face me "mmhh?"

"Thank you for the fancy lunch today. It was the most fun I had in a while" I told him sincerely

"You are welcome Anna bear, anytime" he answered me smiling

I blushed at the nickname he just gave me, but before I started bickering and arguing over it I felt my eyes getting heavy and drifted off to sleep.

End of Chapter seven


Thank you for reading.

This story hasn't been getting a lot of reads so do you think I should stop writing it?.... Let me know!

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