Chapter eleven

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I went downstairs to find Travis standing next to his car with his arms behind his back.

"What are you hiding back there?" I asked trying to sneak a peek

"Hmmm... This!" Travis pulls out a bouquet of roses "Here you go!" And gives them to me.

I wasn't a flowers type of girl but I wasn't a bitch either so I said thank you.

"No problem, you deserve them. Okay let's go then!" Travis said

We got into his car and started driving towards Mark's, which was out of town.

~twenty minutes later~

Travis parked near the entrance and opened the door for me.

"Thanks" I said as I exited the car

We went in to find a long line of people waiting, a few minutes later it was finally our turn.

"Hi, do you have a reservation" A young blonde woman asked us

"Yes a table for two under Travis Brennan" Travis spoke

"Okay, one second please" she said while typing something in her computer

"Uhm.." She raised an eyebrow at us

"Is there something wrong?" Travis asked equally as confused as I was

"Sir...It appears as though your reservation was cancelled?" She said

"No, that is impossible I made the reservation yesterday and I didn't cancel anything! Please check again it is probably just some kind of error" Travis told her

"Okay sir one moment, I will be right back" She said then disappeared to the back of the restaurant

"That's really weird" Travis said to me after she left. He was running a hand through his hair and I could tell that he was frustrated.

"It's okay Isaac, like you said it's probably just an error." I told him trying to calm him down

About ten minutes later, the blonde woman came back and this time with a a much older man

"Hello, my name is Tony and I am the manager here" he said to us

"Hi Tony, can you please explain to us what is going on with our reservation and why it was cancelled because I sure as hell didn't cancel anything!" Travis asked him with a slightly irritated tone

"Calm down sir." He paused "It wasn't you who cancelled it" we raised an eyebrow at him confused

"It was me" he finally said

"What?? Why the hell would you do that" Travis asked angrily

"You see sir, it is part of a new policy we have here, we run background checks on customers to make sure they don't have a criminal history" he paused, then continued " With offenses such as, stealing sexual harrassement and rape you aren't exactly considered to be an ideal customer Mr Brennan"

"What the hell, is that true Travis?" I asked hoping he would say no

"Uhmm.." He looked at me for a second then ignored me. Travis looked at Tony and said " You don't have the right to meddle in my past. I am going to sue you! you will regret this!!!" 

So it IS true.

"Oh yes I do, this policy was just released in our area, and we have received a special order to implement it immediately. It is very recent" Tony said 

"How recent?" Travis asked

"About.. Hmm let's say? About twenty , thirty minutes ago? You're one of the first customers we ran a background check on, and I have to say I am very thankful for this new policy" the manager started then continued "Now, Mr Brennan, I am going to ask you to leave" he said looking at Travis

"I am not going anywhere!" Travis whined

"Then I am going to call security and tell them to throw you out" Tony threatened

"Fine, I'm fucking leaving!" Travis said to Tony

"Come on let's go, Anna" He said before heading for the door

When he noticed that I wasn't behind him he turned to me "Anna?" He called

"Travis I am not coming with you" I said

"Anna, it's not what it looks like i'll tell you everything on the way. Now come on let's go" Travis said

"I don't think so.. I'm just.. Really confused about what just happened" I told him honestly

"Well where are you going to go? You can't stay here and you have nobody to drive you" Travis said

"She can stay here if she wants to, her records are clean, unlike you. I'll even have one of my chauffeurs drive her. I can't have her around you considering your previous offenses." Tony spoke

"Fine! Fucking stay if you want to" Travis said to me angrily then walked towards the exit.

What just hapenned?

** Isaac's POV **

When I saw Anna come out of a chauffeur's car, I knew my plan had worked.

Turns out being rich and having your father own half of the restaurants in the city had its perks.

After Anna left with Travis I called Mark's restaurant told them who I was and let them in on our new policy. Since my dad, Mark Wilkins owned the restaurant, they didn't question me.

My phone rang snapping me out of my thoughts.

Shit. It's dad.

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