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I helped Tom clean up the mess, then go to my room to get some clean and comfy clothes on. I pick through my closet, just throwing on some leggings and a T-shirt. I walk down stairs to the kitchen and see Tom setting the freshly baked cookies on the counter. They look and smell absolutely amazing. I had so much fun making them with him, he's a great person to have around here.
"They're so good." He says with a mouth stuffed with cookies.
"Lemme try." I say, hopping on the counter.
He hands me a cookie, and I take a bite. It's actually really good. It's been far too long since I've had homemade cookies.
"These are amazing." I mutter.
Tom runs his hand through his hair, roughing up his curls a bit. He's pretty attractive, and it's very distracting. The way his brown eyes are so comfortable to gaze into, and the way his left eyebrow flips up slightly is so cute.
"See something you like, darling?" He laughs slightly, pulling me from my thoughts.
"You just have pretty hair." I say, trying to come up with a good excuse for my accidental staring.
"Well you have pretty eyes." He comments.
"Really?" I smile.
"Yeah." He nods.
Tom and I have been pretty flirty with each other since the day I met him, and I have to say, I've never had more fun with a guy in this house.
I like that he's not dark and scary like all the other guys. He's sweet, and bakes cookies, and cleans his own mess even though we pay someone to do it.
Tom is everything I've been wishing I had around here. A stable, kind person.
We hear someone enter the room, and look over to see Haz standing there. I sigh, looking away from him angrily. I really wish he hadn't gotten home so early, he's the last person I want to see right now.
"Tom I need to talk to Aurie." Haz says plainly.
"See ya." Tom says with a small smile, giving my knee a comforting squeeze with his hand.
I hop off the counter top, and Haz leads me over to the living room so we can sit and talk.
"You don't get to be mad at me." He says.
"Harrison, not only did you leave me on a plane on my own with absolutely no warning, you did this without me! This involves me and you acted like It didn't even matter!" I exclaim.
"Aurie I need you to calm down." He says.
"Why in the hell should I calm down-"
"The woman is in the basement." He says.
My eyes widen. He actually got her and brought her back here?..
"We caught her. She's here, and she said she knows you.." he explains.
"Knows me?" I ask. "How?"
"I don't know, she refused to say anymore until she saw you." He shrugs.
"She's down there... right now?"
He nods slowly, and I sigh. How does this woman know me?.. do I even want to find out? What if she was close with my dad, or she could know more about the men that murdered him. She could be my key to getting revenge on the people who took my father from me. If she knows anything at all, I will get it out of her, by any means necessary.
"I'll go down there on one condition." I say.
"And that is?" He questions.
"I want to go on my own." I say.
He simply shakes his head, not agreeing with me. Just as I thought I started to be okay with him being in charge, he does this shit.
"Absolutely not." He says.
"I said no." He says more firmly.
Well.. here we go. Time to go meet my stalker I guess. Even if I do have Harrison standing behind me with a gun ready the entire time. But if anyone is going to be torturing this woman, it's me.
"Let's go." I say.
We get up, and walk down to the basement door. If this were just a random person, I wouldn't be so nervous, but they know me. Who could possibly know me and not be apart of my life? I've always been very sheltered and kept from everyone.
"You ready?" Haz asks.
I nod, and he opens the door, leading me down the stairs. As I hit the bottom step, my eyes lift to see the woman cuffed to the metal chair. Her blonde hair is fallen in her face, and her light eyes gaze straight into mine. I can almost see a smile peak at the corners of her lips. She doesn't look familiar.. I have no clue who she is.
"Hello, Aurie." She says softly, almost in a kind manner. "You've grown into such a beautiful young woman.."
"How do you know me? Why have you been following me?" I ask, keeping my distance from her.
"Can't we talk alone?" She asks.
"I'm not going anywhere." Haz states.
"Fine.." the woman sighs. "Where's your father? Why isn't he here?"
I feel a coolness trickle through my body, not wanting to talk about my father with a stranger. She obviously knows him though.
"If you want to know where my dad is, you'll tell me who you are." I say.
"Bring him down here, he can explain." She pushes.
"I can't." I say.
"Why not?" She asks.
"He's dead." I blurt out, loosing my leverage.
Her face goes pale, and her expression turns blank and almost worried. She really did know him..
"Oh my god.." she breaths out. "I had no idea.."
"How did you know my dad?" I ask.
"Aurie.. sweetheart.." she says, looking down to her feet deep in thought. "You really don't remember me?"
I look the woman over, not recognizing her at all. Am I suppose to know who she is? I don't think I've ever seen her before in my life.
"I have no clue who you are." I say honestly.
"Should have seen that coming.." she mutters to herself. "Aurie, honey, I'm your mum."

A/N: please let me know what you all think of the book so far! :)

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