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"For the love of god, what did you do!" Changkyun's voice was loud in a shriek, making heads turn to us while Hanbyul who sat beside me gaped at me with her jaw lying low.

"I can't believe this. You were supposed to interview the guy and you asked him out instead," Hanbyul managed to say and both pair of eyes stalked me. Changkyun was almost hanging on the metallic bar of the bus being squished by people and Byul was frustrated enough to finally yank off her bonnet (a part of her proud archaic fashion, which she deemed as the retro outfit for the coming summer) and wipe off the sheen of sweat on her forehead.

"On top of that, you sprayed pepper on another guy and sent him to the hospital," she elucidated slowly to herself, hands making gestures in the air.

"I did not, I mean- I am sure of it. That guy was probably sick already for being drenched in the rain for too long." I shifted in the plastic seat uncomfortably. Public transports were never my thing, especially in a scalding day like this with sweltering heat piercing through the skin no matter where.

I would rather turn up my table-fan in full speed at home and sit before it with my mouth hanging wide open, however, which only seemed like a luxury at that moment.

The bus was swamped, people's bodies against each other and a rancid smell of sweat wafting around the constricted space. I wished I could indulge in the rain hours now. "With Wonho, I invited him on a friendly date to thank him for lending me his umbrella," I muttered to no one.

"I always knew she was a hostile creature, I tell you." Changkyun was still in shock, eyes wide and a crease between his brows as he spoke to the brunette girl beside me. "Judging by her past virulent actions, I knew."

"We all knew. It still comes as shock anyway." Byul twirled a strand of her hair around her finger. Both of them acting as if I did not exist at that moment, as if I was not right there listening to their absurd discussion with my utmost attention.

"Sunny has this wanton violent side inside of her. Like that one time she almost slapped senior Kang," Byul added, Changkyun nodded with a small sigh.

"Or when she snapped at professor Oh because he kept on pushing her ideals about woman in our sociology classes," Changkyun commented and I almost shuddered despite being tormented by the blistering heat.

"I was having my period both of the time, and you both know it." Finally I made my presence known making them turn to me.

"Was it really based on your menstrual cycle this time? Your ovulation? Because I certainly don't think so." Changkyun had a knowing look on his face as he stared down on me. Hanbyul pulled on the hem of his shirt and an unspoken conversation happened between them. With that Hanbyul stood up and he replaced the seat next to mine.

Until The End of Time | Wonho [√]Where stories live. Discover now