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In the afternoon, after my classes were over and lunch hour was already way past as well I couldn't but inwardly curse Mr. Kim, our course lecturer of law who always had to bind us to our seats making his lectures extra boring and extra lengthy.

Changkyun and Hanbyul weren't quiet about it though, their mouths were as foul as they could get, uttering violent words that were confined among us three.

"Really who are you calling a nasty and crumby ass jerk when you play video games stark naked during your midnight endeavors?" I jeered at Changkyun.

He and Hanbyul both looked bemused.

"I'm right?" I asked but both only stared at me, halting in their tracks.

"Yeah?" Changkyun didn't look a bit embarrassed, only horrified— probably at the idea that I somehow got to know about this after I'd been acting so 'strange and creepy'.

"I just had a hunch," I lied gleefully. I had asked Hyungwon what could I have possibly tell Chankgyun that would knock him out and that only he would know.

Hyungwon casually told me about the naked part, impassive as he said so. Overall, that made it even funnier.

"You should be a fortune teller really, Sunny, you could pull this off," Hanbyul said. If I didn't know her better I would've thought she was really trying to convince me.

She twirled a tendril of her long hair around her finger. She had them tied up on two high pigtails today, and she had a short skirt with knee-high long socks. Her dressup style changed frequently. Right now she was influenced by anime girls. "I thought it was quite creepy the first time I hung out in his place. I got used to it."

"You hang out till midnight?" I questioned. Under my gaze Hanbyul looked stupefied.

"Well, it's a sleepover," she retorted and then abruptly changed the subject. "I'm hungry."

"So am I," I said. It was a sight to see her getting teased about her 'romantic' relationship when it was always me at the other end of it. Changkyun and Hanbyul were always too casual for me to bring anything up. Though now that I think about it, that could have been me who never paid extra attention.

"How about we get some rice cakes today?" Changkyun was on his phone, scrolling rapidly. "A new restaurant opened up near the South campus."

I would've joined them for a late afternoon lunch slash snack if my phone didn't ring right that second and I almost didn't have a heart attack realizing it was a text message from Wonho. He was finally texting me, after three days of ghosting me. He wanted to meet up.

"You guys go on without me." I discreetly thrust my phone back into my jeans pocket. When I got the questioning looks I decided it didn't matter if I hid my enthusiastic self. "Wonho texted me. I'm going to wait for him here."

Until The End of Time | Wonho [√]Where stories live. Discover now