Taehyung's Sketch

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I'm torn.

It's time for me to make my call to Jungkook. But I'm just squeezing my phone in my hands. looking down at the bluish screen with red eyes.

What do I do?

I want to go back to Taehyung.

I want to apologize, and tell him that I didn't mean a single thing that I'd told him. That I was just being so sensitive.

But I can't.

My fingertip trembles above his contact before shifting down, pressing on Jungkook's instead.

I calm my voice.

"Hello, Noona?"

"Hi, Kookie." I sniff, smiling weakly. "How are you doing? Did you eat already with Jimin?"

The line crackles.

"Jimin hyung— he's silly. I knew he was going to catch a cold from sleeping on the floor."

His voice brightens, and I swallow again.

"Noona, I'm taking care of hyung right now. Just like you used to do for me."

I laugh softly into the phone. "Jungkook, I'm so proud of you. Keep taking care of Jimin, okay? He gets really dependent when he's sick."

He replies back with a happy yes, and I hang up after saying goodbye.

And for the next three hours. I just sit and stare at the wall opposite the one I'm at.

Taehyung's right.

Rushing to my feet, I grab a piece of paper and a pencil from my desk and shuffle back over to my spot besides the wall.

Think about him.

He was so beautiful. With those cold tawny eyes, full heart-curved lips. And I was sure he knew it too, that he was really pretty like that.

Swallowing drily, I look down and press the tip against the white.

I can do it.

It was so easy in my mind. So simple— sketch him, just like I'd done so well back a few days ago. It had felt like nothing then.

But night falls by the time I manage to outline the basic shape of his face.

And even that looks all wrong.


Alright, again.

My head hurts as I stare up at the picture of Jungkook I'd propped at my desk, and look down at the floor.

Crumpled paper is everywhere.


Squeezing my pencil in my fingers, I start to shape Jungkook's delicate eyes on the paper. If I could just draw one good sketch— one sketch— I'd be okay.

I'd be okay to go back.

Night had already passed into morning, and now it's late afternoon as I carefully make the curves of his eyelashes.

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