Bonus: Shadow

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I don't want to go out in this.

Jimin would freak— and I knew Jungkook would too, if they saw what I was wearing right now.

I'd never felt this exposed in my life.

Struggling with the straps, I swallow as the soft fabric curves around my waist. It's a beautiful dress, I can't deny that.

I'd just never worn anything like this.

Taehyung looks up when I carefully peek out of the changing room. His eyes take on a dark glow, and I stifle a giggle when I recognize it.

That was his turned on look.

"Perfect." He says, taking my hand. "How do you feel?"

I blush when his eyes trace all the curves I always had hidden underneath hospital scrubs and oversized sweatshirts.

"I-I don't know. Kinda shy."

His gaze turns tawny.

"Don't be. I'm proud to call you mine." He says, and I stick out my tongue in his direction.

"What do you mean? You're the one who belongs to me, Kim Taehyung."

He laughs.

Even though he'd gotten me last night, I still refused to let him be the dominant one in this relationship.

And he smirks.

"We can discuss that tonight." He murmurs, adjusting the neckline of my dress. "But for now, we have V."

"Get ready to present your work, love."


Last time I'd been here, I'd looked like I didn't belong at all.

And somehow, still I didn't look like I completely fit in.

"Tae? Don't leave me here." I say nervously as I look around people I don't know— millionaires, CEOs, celebrities.


"You know I'd never let you out of my sight." He says as he comes to my side, eyes flickering up.

He brushes his lips across my cheek.

His golden eyes are fixed firmly into the direction to my right.

I quickly follow his gaze. There's a man there, turning around hurriedly and disappearing into the crowd.

Only then does Taehyung straighten back up.

"Oh my goodness!"

I blink in surprise when a woman suddenly gets in front of me, her eyes glowing in adoration.

"I love your paintings— senor. Especially the one with the..."

And with her, I'm pushed farther away as a crowd of people suddenly storm Taehyung.

I laugh into my palm when his expression twists in pure disgust.

His eyes flash to meet mine, but I just shake my head and point at the food tables. I could entertain myself plenty.

He looks conflicted, before finally giving a hesitant nod.

And I beeline for the food.

I'd gone through five selections before settling on a macaron, and I chew on the edge as I watch Taehyung.

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