The Study Session

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Only a few minutes after James leaves, Remus gathers all of his school things and begins to work, or at least tries to work. He has a hard time focusing with buzzing thoughts. There's no way he likes you Remus, so forget it. James probably just figured out that you like Sirius and figured it would be a good laugh if you completely embarrassed yourself in front of him. At the same time though he said Sirius has nothing to worry about, and he didn't seem to joking around. He actually seemed kind of annoyed when I didn't catch on to what he was saying. Still I shouldn't get my hopes up. If he likes me he'd tell me. At the same time though James said he was going to tell me, then figured I wouldn't feel the same. I do though, so he could just tell me. Then again how would he know if I didn't tell him?  Remus thought to himself. He strongly considered just telling Sirius that he felt the same, but then again James could have been lying to him. All of the sudden Sirius comes into the dorm room and startled Remus. "Oh, you've already started. Well James and Peter said they'd try to be back early since we're not going with them. Anyway, what are you working on? I might have done it, and by that I mean copy the answers off of James because he almost always gets everything right," Sirius said, grabbing his backpack and sitting on his bed across from Remus.
A few hours pass, with not much conversation that isn't school work related. While Sirius was looking down at his charms homework, Remus was staring at him. He still wasn't sure whether to him or not. It seemed foolish to bring it up. If Sirius liked him, than surely he would show some kind of sign right? What he didn't know was Sirius was asking himself the same thing. When Sirius looked up, Remus and him locked eyes. Neither of them looked away, and neither of them wanted to. They both just say there, looking into one another eyes for quiet some time. At least a few minuets pass before Remus thinks to himself. Maybe he does feel the same. This could surely be a sign, but what if he doesn't? Maybe I could just tell him what James told me, that way he doesn't find out I like him, but I can still figure out the truth. Remus is the first one to look away and Sirius starts to blush a bit, while thinking to himself "Why were you staring at him you idiot" . Things are silent for a few minutes, while both our gathering their thoughts. Remus starts to realise what this is all about, and doesn't hesitate to say it. "Sirius, I think I know what this is about" He says. Sirius looks at him a bit worried and asks him, "What do you mean?". Remus takes a second to figured out how to word it and says, "Well earlier today James told me that you liked me. I couldn't help but wonder if what he said was true. I now see it was kind of foolish to even think that it was true, and I apologize for staring at you like that,". It doesn't take long for Sirius to respond. "He told you about that? I mean- it's not true, unless you want it to be, then it's totally true. And you don't have to apologize for staring, seeing that I was too," Sirius says, his face turning a little red from embarrassment. "So what James said was true?" Remus asked him. "Of course not. You know how James likes to mess with people," Sirius says suspiciously. Remus begins to think, and starts to fill in the holes for himself. "Well, that's too bad. It would have made it a lot easier for me to tell you that I love you," He said. "Yeah, it probably would have," Sirius responds. Remus sighs, and gives him a few seconds to catch on to what he just said. After a few seconds of silence Sirius starts to blush. "Wait, you do?" He says somewhat shocked. "I hope we're at an understanding now," Remus responds. Sirius begins to smile and says, "I honestly can't believe you feel the same. I wasn't to sure about saying anything to you, because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. It seems like I was worrying for nothing. Now the real question is, would you like to be a couple or kiss?". Remus doesn't hesitate to answer, "Well you never specified whether I could only choose one or not, so I choose both,".  Sirius grins as he stands up. "Sounds good to me," he says. Remus stands up as well, and says, "Before we do anything though, I want to ask if you'd mind keeping this just between the two of us, at least for a little while?". "Anything for you Remus. So, how about that kiss?" Sirius asks. Remus walks toward Sirius and snoggs him. Both of their hearts are racing fast, and neither one wants to stop. Everything in that moment seemed perfect, at least until Sirius some how tripped and him and Remus both fall. Before anything can be said, they hear two familiar voices nearing them and they quickly get up and sit on their beds, acting as if they were still studying. Only seconds later James burst into the door with excitement. "I have no idea why, but Lily actually snogged me! Can you believe it? Anyway, enough about me, since it's only four and we have plenty of time left, me and Peter came up with a plan for a prank so we'll need your help," He says. "Are you two still working? I guess I can't say much though. It took me almost an hour just to write twelve inches worth of parchment for potions," Peter says. "Hurry up and come to the common room, no one else is in there right now so we won't be interrupted. Peter and I will be waiting," James says, and just like that they left as quickly as they came. Sirius began putting all of his stuff away as he heard Remus say, "How exactly do you trip while standing still?". Sirius almost laughs, but thinks better of it. He smiles and says, "Well if you haven't realised you're much taller than me, so I had to stand on my tip toes, and I somehow tripped," he said. Remus sighs and asks, "Why exactly did I have to fall in love with a clumsy idiot?". Sirius starts to laugh and says, "Well that doesn't matter now. I'm going to promise you right now that there is a very slim chance of me letting you out of this. Just consider yourself stuck with me forever,". Remus sighs heavily and says, "What exactly have I gotten myself into?"

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