Chapter 1

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Here we are. My first day at my new school. Only students who excelled in their fields of study were accepted here, at the Garrison High School for Elites, and yet here I was. Kireina Nortlov, a short ass creative arts student who I swear could not approach anyone her own age if her life depended on it, about to walk into the iron gates of the school she dreamed to attend.
      Students were casually walking in already, despite me being admittedly very early. Tutor time didn't start until 8:30am, looking at my watch now it was only 7:58am. I'm surprised they let students in already. I suppose it would give me a chance to get my timetable and find my way around this place.
     Hesitantly, I step forward.
' One foot after the other Kiri, you know how to walk, ' I remind myself, ignoring glances I get from other students. The reception desk is thankfully the first thing I see ahead as I walk up the steps and through the door. A kind looking man with ginger hair and what I can only describe as an amazing moustache looks up as I approach.
" Why hello little miss, may I help you? I don't remember seeing you around here before, you must be the new student, " He chirps as he slides open a drawer and brings out a file.
" Yes I am, it must really be that obvious then, " I laugh slightly as he does also, shaking his head.
" Oh no no, I've just grown good at memorising faces over the years, " He chuckles as he flips through the papers before pulling one out. " Ah here we are, I'm assuming you're name is Kireina Nortlov then? And a beautiful name that is, "
" Th-thank you, " I stutter and take the paper he hands me, looking over the ink printed on it.
" Don't mention it dear, now on there is your timetable, and there's a map for you on the back. If you ever find yourself in a spot of trouble, come find me back here, or most of the students here are pretty friendly as well, "
" Thank you sir, " My voice come out quieter than I intend it to.
" Please, call me Coran, everyone else here does, " I nod looking up from studying the map.
" Alright, thank you Coran, "

After finishing the conversation with Coran, I decide it best not to get lost exploring the school first thing in the morning and busy myself with trying to find my tutor room. I'm supposed to be in room DT2 in ten minutes, which I believe to be one of the Design and Technology rooms on the other side of the school. Typical. Doing my best to walk and read the map and not bump into anyone at the same time, I arrive in DT2 with two minutes to spare.
     The room was still half empty as I slide into a vacant seat at the back of the room. Apparently back seats aren't as popular in this school as others as nearly all other students had taken seats in the front of the room. There's no sign of the teacher, yet at least.
     Over the next two minutes all the seats are filled, apart from the one behind the teacher's desk. A girl with long light brown hair and wide honey-brown eyes behind round-lensed glasses had taken the seat to my left, and a purple-grey eyed boy with raven hair that hung at the bottom of his neck had taken the seat to my right.
     Another couple of minutes later, who I assume to be the teacher hurries in, tucking a bag under the desk before standing at the front of the room. He was quite well built with jet black hair styled in an undercut with a tuft of hair sticking out of the front and hanging over his forehead, seemingly untameable. His dark eyes scan over the room before he clears his throat.
" Sorry I'm late students, that meeting seemed to drag on forever this morning, " His words earn snickers from a couple of kids in the front of the room. " We have a new student in our tutor group today, it's Kireina isn't it, young lady in the back of the room? " All eyes fall on me as I stare down at the desk.
" Just Kiri is fine sir, " I reply, hating this much attention all at once. A few murmurs fill the room, only parts of which I can make out.
" What kind of a name is Kiri- "
" - doesn't look like much, "
" - didn't realise they'd accept students halfway through the school year- "
" Now now, lets be nice alright, I'm sure you wouldn't want comments like that going around the room on your first day now would you? " The teacher says sternly as he takes his seat at the desk. " Just so you know Kiri, my name is Mr. Shirogane, though you can call me Shiro if you prefer. I've never been a fan of formalities, " His smile is one of pure kindness as he looks over at me before turning to the screen of his computer. " Let's get to the register then, Nyma? "
" Here sir, " A blonde girl with piercing blue eyes, who I swear was the one to remark that I didn't look like much, raises her hand from one of the center desks.
" Shay? "
" Here, " A tall girl with ash brown hair cut to shoulder length sheepishly raises her hand.
He reads a couple of more names; Daniel, a skinny boy with black and dyed green hair sat in the second row to the front, and Leia, a pale-skinned girl with freckles sprinkled across the bridge of her nose under gentle brown eyes.
" Katie? " The girl wearing glasses beside me sighs before raising her hand.
" I've told you before that I go by Pidge, sir, " She points out with a smile.
" Ah of course, I apologise Pidge, how's your brother doing with looking for work? "
" Okay, he's got a temporary job here as a teaching assistant before he finds something permanent, " Pidge replies patiently and adjusts her glasses. I see Daniel sneer and whisper something to Nyma behind him, making her snigger. Shiro chooses to ignore however, though he gives then a short glare.
" That's great news, " Shiro nods, tapping a button in his keyboard. " Tell Matt I'll see him around then, " He adds with a smile before continuing the register.
    Pidge leans over in her desk to me and whispers: " He only asks because he likes my brother, I swear, " I stifle a laugh as I look over at her.
" Is that a good or bad thing then? "
" Still deciding on that one, " She giggles and sits properly back in her seat. " You're lucky to get Shiro as a tutor, he's the best if you're a new student. I had Iverson when I first joined, " She shivers quite obviously at the thought. " I'm so glad my father was able to pull some strings to get me into a new tutor, " I nod along. This girl seems really nice, hopefully she can be the first one I befriend.
" Keith? " Shiro calls and the raven-haired boy beside me raises his free hand as the other was drawing something in a sketchpad.
" Here Shiro, " He's the first to actually say Shiro instead of sir, and guessing by the way it gets no reaction from the other students this was usual for him.
" Good to see you again Keith, how was the trip to the big city? " Shiro asks casually. From what I can infer, these two knew each other personally as well as just in school.
" Trip to the big city? " I whisper over to Pidge and she nods.
" New York City, it was a trip arranged for the top Art students, " She replies in the same hushed voice.
" It was great. Surprisingly, it wasn't as boring as I thought, " Keith replies to the teacher with a shrug of his shoulders, still intently sketching away at the paper.
" I'm glad you enjoyed it. Now back to the register. Kiri? I should hope you haven't left in the past five minutes, "
For the second time in as many minutes, I have to stifle a laugh. " Yes I'm still here sir, "
" Ah good, we're doing great so far then, " Shiro chuckles, reading a few more names before finishing the register and looking at the clock hung in the back of the classroom. " That took longer than I intended. You know the drill for Monday, you have fifteen minutes to do whatever you please before we have some 'get to  know eachother better' time, alright? "
The other kids in the class nod and murmur in agreement before turning to talk and chat amongst eachother. One or two pull out a book, though Keith is the only one to have his sketchbook out. I consider taking out my own until Pidge turns around in her seat to face me.
" So, what are you here to study then? " She asks cheerfully as I turn around in my seat as well.
" Mostly creative arts, Art, Drama, Dance, you know that kind of stuff, " I reply and rest my chin on my hand.
" Oh cool, I know a couple of friends who take those, Allura is amazing at Dance, Keith over here is top of the Art class, " She says and points over to the raven-haired boy behind me who just rolls his eyes. " Though you might want to look out for the infamous Lance McClain in those classes, "
" Infamous? How so? " I hear a snigger from behind me and turn around in my seat again to face Keith.
" Please, the guy's a complete jerk, " He scoffs, and for the first time I've seen puts down his pencil. His eyes flicker over to look into mine before quickly turning away again, but the split second is enough for me to see how beautiful a colour they were.
" Not complete, but yeah he can be a bit annoying. He's on Keith's bad side since he calls him Mullet and he's his class rival- "
" Not rival, a rival is where two equals are against eachother, I can beat that guy easily, " Keith huffs.
" Yeah, yeah, but he's still my friend so be careful what you say. Lance is also known to be a total flirt, especially with new girls. Though he's currently dating Nyma over there, " Pidge sighs and points over to the blonde, who was currently teasing Daniel and twirling a lock of hair around her finger. " Why I'll never know, "
" Oh... right, "

This Lance guy does sound a bit of a jerk, especially if he would date someone like Nyma, who as far as I can tell is the school's top mean girl. I won't make assumptions too soon though. Tutor time soon finishes, Shiro having not kept an eye on the clock so 'get to know eachother' time was delayed for tomorrow. Now it was time for my first class: Dance. Hopefully this goes well.


Word count: 1848

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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