Chapter 3

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A/N:Bonjour,merci d'avoir lu cette 😂 (I do know French guys hehe..I bet my French teacher is so proud I actually payed attention!)
Bright's POV:

If I'm honest,I was actually quite  shocked that they would want to celebrate how big the series had gotten!The only reason I'm going to the party is because they're my friends and I'd feel guilty turning them down.

Time flew by because before I knew it,it was the next day.Today was one of them free days I get (one of my favourites).Usually I go boxing or I'll do football.I still don't know which one I should do yet though.This is was until..



I look at my phone and see Win's caller ID pop up.Of course I have to answer it since it could urgent!

"Hello there my dear brother!"Win's voice boomed from over the phone."Hello,what's up?"I ask.He soon explains to me that he wants to play football."Well that's good since I was thinking about doing it anyways,"I laugh at the coincidence.

"Okay then,pick me up in an hour,byeee!"he ends it.

After that,I get some breakfast at one of my favourite café's and then took a steady drive the Bunny's condo.

When I pull my car into the car park,luckily Win was already there with a sports-type bag.My car honks at him which made him jump a little.

Win looks over at me with a dead eye through the window before walking over and getting into my car.

"Phi!You gave me ten heart attacks,why be so mean?!I have feelings too."His hands go over his heart so dramatically,you'd think I just killed his beloved Charlotte!

My eyes roll at him.

*Time skip to being at football*

We both head into the locker rooms to get changed into the kit.We've played before,it's really fun to play football with Win since he's equally as good as me at it.

After changing into our clothes,we're immediately on the pitch.Win steps closer to me to the point where I feel his warm breath fanning over my face.

",Mr Vachirawit,"he whispers right into my left ear.

A shiver racks throughout my body as I go wide eyed.Not wanting him to see the affects of the sentence,I put a forced smirk onto my blushing face.

Ahh,he thinks that will put me off,well think again rabbit.

(A/N:I don't know how football works since I'm stupid so I'll just do it the way I think lmao..Actually,this reminds me that once I was playing football and I put my shin pads on my knee caps thinking that's where they went🕳🚶🏻)

We soon start kicking the ball around from each other.Me being me kicks the ball a good distance away from Win's reach and then I run to it before kicking it into the net.

I start laughing,"What was that about me losing?"

"Shut up!!"He pouts.I pick the ball up and put it in the middle of us so we can do another round.The next round,I won again.

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