Bonus chapter

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A/N:This is my last official chapter in this book....*sobs*Thank you!

I love you guyyyyssss and have a good Thursday😏

I love you guyyyyssss and have a good Thursday😏

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*No ones POV*

"Do you want to have dinner at that new seafood place?"Win asked his boyfriend.Bright just shrugged while playing fifa.

"P'Brighttt,I need an answer!!"he pleads.Bright once again just shrugs."Shush Win,I'm playing on my game."

Win just frowns at what his lover said.

"Do you want me to make you din-"Win gets cut off by Bright shouting,"OI,WHO JUST SCORED THAT GOAL?!"

The bunny just sighs while watching the other,waiting for a REAL answer.A few minutes pass,"Win stop staring at me,I can't concentrate!"

Win got up silently before leaving the room,he was sick of Bright always playing games and ignoring him.This was the third time now and it winded the younger up so much!!

Bright paused his game after realising Win was going.

"Oi Win,come back!"he shouted.Win turned around so quick it could've given you whiplash.He stuck up his pointer finger and pointed it at the other.

"Don't you dare 'come back' me Chivaaree,you barely payed attention to me and won't answer.So stop being stubborn and at least care a little about me instead of some stupid game that you play with your friends!"frustration so clear.

Bright was gob smacked.Yeah,Win can shout but he's never shouted like that!

"That's it,don't reply,now I'm going to have dinner with my FRIEND who actually cares about me,"he huffs dramatically before leaving the apartment.

Vachirawit was still stood right in the middle of the room.

Does this count as their first fight?

"UGH WHY?!"Bright pushes something down in rage.It's always him making the stupid mistakes.

While Bright was having a full blown rage,Win was ACTUALLY strolling through the park looking at the scenery.

He did annoyed by Bright's behaviour but he didn't care as much as he put out..right?

"OMG IT'S A BUNNY!!"Win made a massive smile at the beautiful white-snow rabbit.Immediately,he forgot why he came out in the first place.

He got his phone out and took what,thirty photos of the poor creature?

Sadly, he got interrupted by the phone ringing in his hand.

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