Chapter 4

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A/N:Sorry about that cliffhanger..hehe...😳

I'm kinda scared to publish this chapter if I'm being honest lmao 👉👈

Okay,I'll shut up now..

Let's get into this..very..erm...kissy?..chapter :)
*No ones POV*

Bright made his way over to Win,a feeling of anxiousness strumming in his body.


He didn't know.

When he got over there,the man sat right next to Win.It was strange to be sat with someone in a bed,especially this late at night.

They both stayed sat on the bed,looking at each other intensely,one of them being drunk and the other,sober.

"My dear Nong,what is it?"the sentence breaks the silence.Metawin leaves his deep thoughts that were to do with Bright.He's never had them type of thoughts before about Bright,well,maybe twice but of course,he thought nothing about them.

"Mouth.."was all he said,staring at his Phi's lips.Have you ever looked at Bright's lips and thought,they look absolutely beautiful?Win always has,he's even wanted to kiss them before but what happens if he actually wants to test it out..?

Yes, they did kiss scenes in 2gether but it was way different,they both had to stay in character while twenty people recorded it.

"Huh?"Win looks up to Bright's brown eyes,the exact eyes that he could just get lost in.His drunken gaze then goes back to Bright's mouth.Bright is starting to understand what he is on about but still,makes no move.

"P'Brighttt,let me..kiss you,"was all Win said.If he wasn't drunk, he'd NEVER say those words.Yeah he was straight forward sometimes but definitely not this type of forward.

Bright's eyes widen,why was he so shocked?"But Nong,you're drunk and it's hundred percent not right for us to kiss!"Vachirawat whispered.

Instead of being embarrassed,the bunny started thinking about how gentleman-like that was of Bright.Other people wouldn't have even thought about saying no even though he was drunk.

As much as he knew that sober Win will kill him,drunk Win didn't care.If anything,he practically begged Bright.

"Please P'Bright,I won't regret it-

I know I'm drunk but really, I won't-

I've wanted to kiss you forever-

Ughhh!You know,I may seem needy or weird right now but I'd do anything to feel your lips on my own.I know I'm drunk and feeling kind of ill BUT,there's no other person I'd want to kiss."

Win nor Bright knew where this behaviour was coming from.Metawin sighed,he really thought that the sentence would make Bright kiss him like them BL dramas usually do.

While Win was kind of sad about this,Bright was actually freaking out even though he didn't show it on his plain face.The thought that Win wanted to kiss him made his heart beat two times more then it should.It felt weird to feel like this,yes,he'd been in past relationships but every time they wanted to kiss him,he didn't feel like this.

After 20 seconds of thinking,which,to Bright felt like 10 minutes,he finally muttered an ok.Win turned his face in surprise but before he could say anything,Vachirawat placed his lips,softly onto Win's.

They didn't move at the start but then Bright soon did.He moved his lips tenderly against Win's.When Win finally left his shocked state,he kissed back.It felt more amazing then both imagined.Win moaned a little bit when Bright pushed further against him.

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