Chapter 6

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A/N:I'm sorry about that other cliffhanger.Omg,I feel like I'm ALWAYS teasing you guys.Please don't hate me!! 🥺

Right,enjoy this because I'm probably going to start writing chapter 7 after as well!
Win's POV:

I knock...

And there was no answer.He must be here because I saw his car parked in the car park.

I knocked again and even waited,nothing.

"P'Brighttt!Open up,"I shouted.

(A/N:Open Up To Me😏😏lmao....if you've read that book,you'll understand why I said that-)


The only other way to get into his apartment is to go downstairs to the old woman and ask for the spare key to get in.She'd most likely allow it since I know Bright VERY well.

I trail down the long stairs and down some unnecessarily-long corridors until I see her at the desk,reading some type of manual book.

"Erm,Sawadee Krub!"I greet with a nervous smile.

She quickly looks up and jumps."Oh Sawadee Kha dear!Sorry,I didn't expect you to be down here quick because I thought you were seeing your boyfriend,"She mutters.



"My name is Mrs Jaidee but please,call me Air."I smile while nodding."Well,P'Air,I need the spare key for Brights room and-"

Her heads shakes before I can even finish.

"I'm sorry but we're not allowed to do that for safety reasons."

"Why?"I ask,even though I completely understand the rules.

"Well unless they personally say 'we wanted this person to get the key',we can't do it."

"Please,P'Air!I need to see him.I promise you I won't mess around.He knows me SO well!!"

It's quiet for a bit while Air contemplates it.Surprisingly though,her head started to nod,slowly.

I jump up with happiness."Thank you so much!"Air smiles while passing me the spare key.

"Don't do anything inappropriate with that boyfriend of yours!"she shouts sternly.

I nearly choke on my own saliva,what is it with people saying that we're boyfriends?!*sighs*

Once again,I go up the stairs,ugh,who thought to make these so long?!

Maybe I'm complaining too much today..

When I arrive at the top of the stairs, I look to my left and see an elevator.You're telling me that after all of this time,there's been a lift!

My eyes wonder down the hall way and to Bright's condo.I walk to it,swinging the key in my hand.

When I get to the door,I slide the key in and turn it a few times until it opens.

Imagine if he wasn't here though and then came back and saw me in the middle of his living room randomly.

My eyes wonder around his living room and kitchen and nope,he wasn't in either.There's only another two places he can be if he is actually home.

I check his bathroom and luckily, he wasn't in there because if so,that'd be embarrassing.

My last place to check was Bright's bedroom.

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