Chapter 25

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Adora's POV

It has been a stressful couple of weeks ever since the incident with Glimmer, Bow, and I had with the police. About a week after the incident with the police, I had word that I was able to go back home and attend school again which was good news. But the doctor had told me that I have to attend physical therapy starting today, which is supposedly going to help my shoulder, but I doubt it.

Although there is some good news, Catra and I have been going strong with our relationship. Surprisingly we haven't gotten into a huge argument that deprecates our lives. Homecoming is coming up close, and I still haven't decided what to wear. Catra and I have talked about it, but not too deep into it. Glimmer has asked to go dress shopping, but I haven't found the time to go with her since mid-terms are next week. Which is the week before homecoming, so that means I have to power study everything.

I sighed staring down at the jotted down notes that were turning sloppier and sloppier the more I began to write as the hours went by. I looked over at the clock to see it was '2:30', I had started studying around 11. My first physical therapy session is supposed to be in about 2 hours, which I'm nervous about since the doctor hasn't been notified about the time I hit it against the door. My shoulder feels better now but it's not completely healed, I completely am unable to use my shoulder, and can feel no blood flow to it. So, I assume that using my shoulder and my left arm is out of the question.

I looked at my dangling left arm and rubbed it with my right arm, every time I brushed it or touched it. I didn't feel anything like it's just numb forever. Though, I have gotten used to the feeling of it being that way. Luckily I can still use my fingers and wrist, but anywhere higher than that, is pretty much dead.

I random buzz from my phone shot me out of thinking, I looked over and saw it was from Glimmer.

'Hey, Mom is taking me dress shopping' It said

I tapped with one finger a response back.

'Can't. Physical Therapy'

I waited patiently for her answer, watching the three bubbles appear.


I contemplated my answer, Catra and I promised movie night today. But that isn't till around 8, so I think it should be fine.

'Sure, what time?' I typed back.

'Just shoot me a text when you're done with your session, I'll pick you up then'

I send her a thumbs up as a response and that was the end of the conversation. I'm generally surprised that Glimmer didn't invite Bow. But, it is dress shopping so maybe she wanted it just to be the 2 of us.

I yanked my pencil off my table and tapped it against my lip, as I stared at my computer that was playing random Minecraft music from my recommendation. I then stared at the stacks of books from my different classes that were my material for studying the mid-term.

I then received an incoming call from someone. I smiled at the name that appeared on the screen, as I put it up to my ear. Pausing the video that was playing on my laptop beforehand, so she didn't have to hear it.

"Hey, Catra," I said first.

"Hey. I'm coming over in about uhh..." pause "like an hour, I know that isn't when I'm supposed to take you to the therapy session. I just, ya know. Wanna see you before, plus we have movie night remember?"

I smiled at her way of telling me she wants to see more.

"Yeah, I remember. Also, after therapy, I'm going dress shopping with Glimmer. Soooo, if you wanna hang out with Scorpia or someone, I won't be back at my house till around 6 or 7ish" I told her brushing the eraser shavings that were laying on my paper.

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