Sick!Onceler x Caring! reader

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Requested by: Xoxofall505

I sat up from the soft, comfy bed and stretched my arms, I looked at the spot next to me to not find my boyfriend, the Onceler. My eyebrow rose and I decided to look for him, I swung my legs off the side of the bed and stood up. I shivered as the cold wood made contact with my feet, but pushed through to find my love.

I walked through the house, checking each room and inch of the place, but found no one. I started to feel worried until I found a note on the table, I picked up the note and read it.
"Hello Hun, don't worry if you don't see me when you wake up, I'm just out in town going to sell my thneed! Love you and see you when I get back, mwah! X"

I smile at the note and placed it down, I sweat dropped when I heard a rumble of thunder from outside
"Oh no.." I whispered as I began to hear raindrops hit the roof, they began to get faster and heavier. I looked at the time, 12:08pm
"I'll make him some lunch for when he gets back!".

I grabbed some bread and placed them in a toaster, turning it on in the process, and grabbed some cheese and ham (sorry if you a lactose intolerant, think of a different ingredient) and cut the cheese block into some strips. Waiting for the bread to brown a bit, I grabbed and chopped some tomatoes and cucumber and placed them at the side of our plates.

The toaster shot out the bread and I placed the ham and cheese between the slices, I placed them back in and waited for the cheese to melt. As I was waiting, the door opened and I heard a loud
"Achoo!" And a sniffle.

I turned around and saw a.. very sick Onceler
"Babe!" I ran to him worriedly, placing my hand on his forehead
"You are steaming hot! Not to mention soaking wet! Get a towel, I'll make you some hot chocolate.." he chuckled
"You think I'm hot?~" he leaned on the counter and smirked at me. I gave him a look that said "bruh"

He chuckled before sneezing again, I turned around and raised my eyebrow at him.
"*Sniff* fine I'll get a towel.." he mumbled while walking to the bathroom. I poured the hot chocolate into his favourite mug and placed it on the table

"So, did you sell your thneed?" I asked him with a smile, he shook his head
"Nah, not today.."
"Cmon babe, don't be sad! I know you will sell it one day, just don't give up!" I kissed his cheek and served him his food
"Thanks.. Achoo!" I grabbed him a tissue and sat opposite of him, handing him the tissue.

"However, you may want to have a break.. you are sick, and I've seen you sing to the people in town to sell your thneed, sooo.. if you are sick, you won't be able to sing properly! And your singing is amazing!" I placed my hand on his and he blushed, before his eyes widened
"Wait, you saw that?" He sniffled
"Ah.. great." I laughed at his embarrassed expression.

We ate in silence, apart from his sneezing and sniffles. I looked at him and noticed how red and sweaty his face looked. My eyes widened and I got up from my seat
"Uuh, what are you doing love?" He asked, I put a rag under the sink and poured cold water
"Look at you! You are boiling!"
"I'm fine.. either way I need to sell my thneed!"

I turned around, a hand on my hip as I gave him a bitchy face
"You are not going anywhere in this state you a in, you can start selling your thneed when you are healthy again!" He whined like a child as if I was his mum
"But (y/nnn)..." I rolled my eyes at him
"Don't but me, you can start selling your thneed when you are feeling better. That's final."

He sighed and sniffled
"Fine.. but only because I love you!" I smiled at him, placing the wet rag on his hot, crimson forehead. I pecked the corner of his lips
"I love you too.."

Alternative ending

"Uugh.. why did I kiss you?" I groaned as I laid in bed, sick as a horse. He was as bright as a light bulb, despite being ill.
"Well at least we can spend more time with eachother! And we are in the bed~" I groaned at his flirty behaviour and he laughed before viciously sneezing.

Mental note,: don't kiss your Oncie when he is sick...

[ I hope you enjoyed this! This is my first requested oneshot, but hopefully I did alright!]

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