The Ocean

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Never in my life had I felt like this. If someone told me a week ago that everything would go the way it did, I wouldn't have believed them. Everything was going perfectly or at least I pretended it was. And then suddenly everything was gone.

My grip on my bag tightens as I run into the forest. Even though I've been there before, many times in fact, I've never gone to the other side. The only thing I know is that the ocean lies somewhere beyond all of these woods and this time I would finally find it. Birds are chirping all around me as I pass a familiar large stone. That's where I met him. Back then I had felt like no one cared about me and like everything was falling down on me, but he changed all that. If only then I had known that only two years later everything would crumble down and I'd be left in the ruins to suffer, I wouldn't have taken his promise.

The woods get denser the more I run, and the forest turns darker. Whether that's because of the leaves or the setting sun is none of my concern. The darkness won't bother me because I'll never come back. This will be my last time in this forest. My last time on this continent. As I jump over a small stream, I realize I can't recognize the place. I've never been this far. I can't hear the birds chirping anymore. The only sound other than me running is the leaves rustling in the wind.

A twig snapping causes me to glance behind. There's nothing expect the landscape I just ran through. As I turn my glance back in front of me my eyes widen. The whole scenery has suddenly changed into something completely different. When I glanced back there definitely were more woods to run through but now there aren't any. No trees. Only sand and behind that the vast blue pool of water.

I stop running and walk toward the ocean in front of me. That's what the forest has been hiding all these years. There are no waves anywhere to be seen and the ocean is like a large mirror below the orange sky.

A lone boat is sitting on the shore waiting for someone to push it into the water. The wood looks old but it's still perfectly smooth like it was just polished. It's like it was meant for me. Without hesitation I throw my bags in the boat and begin pushing it to the water. As the boat's front touches the water it causes a small wave to emerge causing the mirror to break. The wave moves away from me until it eventually disappears, and the mirror is restored.

As the boat's now fully in the water I jump abroad it. "Goodbye," I whisper to the land as I grab the paddles and begin rowing. The boat slowly floats away from the shore which becomes smaller and smaller by each passing second.

I don't know where I'll end up after this or if I end up anywhere at all, but then again, I don't really care. This could either be my final journey, or the beginning of something completely new. A lone tear manages to escape my eye and trickles across my face. It's a shame really. I shouldn't cry because of this.

It feels like I've been rowing forever when the shore finally disappears from my view, but I know it can't have been that long since the sun has yet to set. Turning around I see the sun is almost gone and last rays are still creeping over the horizon before the last fades of pink disappear from the sky. I lie down and place my backpack under my head to use it as a pillow and hope that by morning everything will have changed.

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