Cat Eyes

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When Alec and Magnus reached home, Magnus was just staring numbly at the wall as they sat on their bed. He couldn't believe what had just happened, he had been accused of killing a man who he loved like his own little brother. Oh Kol he thought as fresh tears made their way down his eyes. Cat Eyes these words were hammering in his mind, Klaus saw cat eyes. Cat Eyes, that only he and his father had. Alec was looking at Magnus intently studying every little change in his expression to understand what was going on his husband's mind.

"Magnus, you need to talk to me love. I know it's terrible but pushing me away is not the solution." Alec said reaching for his husband to embrace him.

Magnus just turned to Alec burying his face in Alec's chest, he started crying letting go every emotion he held, letting go all the grief and emptying till he got back his sense and voice.

"I hate this demon mark more now. How am I supposed to look at myself knowing it is somehow connected to Kol's death? Elijah, Finn and Rebecca must hate me now. I've not only lost my one little brother but two of them, with my best friend and a little sister. Alec why must this happen?" Magnus vented out all the questions haunting him.

"You have nothing to worry about, Elijah and everyone else knows how much you loved Kol. He was the one who said right?" cupping Magnus's face he continued, "Klaus has just lost his brother so we can't blame him for the way he reacted. He is not in the right sense right now to be reasoned with. But, I promise everything will be fine. Okay? Just trust me." as he finished with a kiss of Magnus's forehead.

Meanwhile, The Michealsons' House:


"I am not lying. I saw those CAT EYES of the man who stabbed our Kol. Why would I accuse him of something so severe if I wasn't sure?" Klaus argued.

"And how can you be so sure that it was Magnus? It could be someone else with the cat eyes?" asked Rebecca.

"Oh my dear sister Magnus is the only one who has cat eyes in this dimension. Oh Sorry, in this whole world because the other one who had the same cat eyes is in a limbo of the portal forever. And as we all know Magnus was Asmodeus's only progeny who survived. HIS ELDEST CURSE as Asmodeus always addressed him. And if you still feel I am wrong or I am just accusing your dear Magnus without any proof then go ahead and ask his dearest friend, your lovely brother whether I am or I am not right about the facts I just stated." Klaus said trying to show them his point.

Amidst all this Elijah was quiet, he was trying to process what Klaus had just said. The logic was appropriate but still for some reason he could not help but feel that something was gravely misplaced in this whole situation. There were dozens of questions running in his mind and heart. On one side where his mind was convincing him to give in to the logic Klaus had set forth, yet somehow, on the other side his heart was telling him that his best friend loved Kol like his own brother and that something was fishy in all this. He finally decided to listen to his heart and voice that one question which his heart produced for the sake of logic.

"Why? If Magnus had to stake out brother he could very well have done it with a glamour of being someone else. Why would he risk not only seen as himself but showing his cat eyes, when everyone knows that he is the only one with eyes as such? Don't you think for Magnus being behind all this, everything is fishy?" after voicing his questions Elijah could see the awareness striking Rebecca and Finn, but, Klaus's expression remained unreadable.

After a huge amount of unbearable time being passed Klaus spoke: "We will help Magnus and Alec to find who has done it to prove Magnus's innocence, but, till then I am not trusting that man. Tomorrow morning we will go and speak to them about it." and with that he turned and left for his room.

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