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My eyes pierced his ice
We will all discolor and the stiffness of life will begin, while microbes we hosted for years devour us and the unsung heroes will tell our story through every feast
It's funny how our death gives life to complex ecosystems, ecosystems that will eat you dry leaving only your skeleton as proof of your existence

All bodies are for the box
When harmonizing with oxygen we box you in and when at supper, we do too
Boxes are damned
I repeat, boxes are most foul
The dead walk her majesty, they miss her bodacious curveous build because of the four curves we bury them with
Go to school
Get a job
Have a family
Buy a house 'secure land'
The only land you will ever own is your grave before someone else is thrown on top of you

We are born to die
Our cells age, getting cozier to death as you grow
Growth betrays your life but then again growth is life
Life is like bliss, we are all living on borrowed time and yet we oppress each other until we out of time.
I stared at him and the room shifted from morose to idyllic then to woe
I never knew the old man
I couldn't pick up my phone and call because I was too scared to show him love so my tears dare not drop
I was too dry to cry even if I accepted the dare
All I bared was regret
Cries echoed through the room
I wondered who'd cry the loudest at my funeral
What lies would be told about me
Which depressing hymns would be sung
His frozen flesh resembled mine only I was still warm
I was living but not alive
Thanatos, Thanatos I rebuke you
Fuck the world's box my entirety agreed as his casket went down

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