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Rand dollar
Dollar rand
His weight made me timid cause I realized how little I settled for
His attentive ears reminded me that men aren't ghosts disappear and reappear like they were never out of sight
They listen to you even when they aren't in the mood

He received my warmth and I realized i was fiery and not crazy like I was lead to believe
I finally understood healthy from toxic

Rand dollar
Dollar rand
I got timid cause I had not prepared for him
See, he is a solenoid-electric, I have only ever read about
The spark got my heart racing
I got timid cause I feared a stroke
And I knew if I fell too hard it'd kill me

It's gestures like getting me a drink without asking
And letting me vent without judging that turned our spark into an inferno

Rand dollar
Dollar rand
Our hearts dancing wasn't mechanic but rhythmic and soul felt
I realized i have always been a dollar and finally attracted a currency vibrating at my energy level
Vigorous and passionate

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