Chapter 3 : Friendship

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I hate sweets except for chocolates and cakes and now I ate a sweet, with sugar raising up to my head and I hate it :)


"I'll take his place," he said, voice never faltering a bit. "Set him free." 

There was a pin-drop silence when Taehyung uttered these words. Yoongi and Taehyung never looked away from each other. Taehyung was confident with his decision whereas, Yoongi... he had a lot of thoughts running his mind. 

Capturing you and freeing Park? Bitch, you wish. 

Yoongi thought bitterly as he started weigh the chances possible. He was determined that he'd never let Jimin out, it brings danger to their mafia. At the same time, it was just stupid if he lost someone as smart as Taehyung just because of this. 

Tension was think in the air. And nobody dared to break. 

Yoongi's eyes are hard as ice, before his lips slowly turned into a sly smirk. 

Finally, Yoongi broke the silence still staring into Taehyung's eyes. 

"Tempting offer, but... no." 

Taehyung huffed in frustration. 

I didn't expect this. He thought tiredly, before speaking again. 

"I'll do anything. Just set him free," Taehyung said, his voice really desperate this time. Namjoon was beyond furious that Taehyung was defending a captive. Jin was emotionless, staring at the ground. 

"I don't know why are you defending him, Kim." Jungkook said scoffing him a bit. 

"Shut the fuck up, Jeon. I'm not talking to you," the blue haired said irritation clear in his voice. 

Taehyung never spared a glance to anyone except Yoongi. And the brown haired mafia leader seemed to do the same. It was about time, when Yoongi spoke again. 

"Anything?" He asked with smug look on his face. 

Without a hint of hesitation, Taehyung muttered. "Anything." 

Yoongi seemed to think about the situation, with gained a bit of confidence from Taehyung. He suddenly had a hope he would get Jimin out of here.

"Okay, Taehyung. I'll set him free, but it depends on how you define free," Yoongi spoke in a calm yet firm. 

"Let him out. He... doesn't know anything about this environment. He maybe arrogant and cold, but he is completely ignorant about this mafia... world," Taehyung told in low voice. 

"You want me to let him out of this building?" Yoongi asked tapping his fingers on his table, to which Taehyung nodded. 

"No I won't," Yoongi said smirking. 

Taehyung let his shoulders fall down visibly, showing he's disappointed. A part of him told that, he failed his best friend. He felt extremely guilty. 


The blue haired male looked up to see his leader's voice. 

"I'll release him," Yoongi said and Taehyung's eyes sparkled a bit. "But... he never leaves this building, unless someone in this room accompanies him and that too, only in the rarest situation," Yoongi continued which made Taehyung frown his eyebrows. 

"Does that mean... No way," Taehyung said his eyes widening. 

Jimin, sure as hell wasn't innocent, he's cold, yeah. He's arrogant, yeah. He's strong as fuck, yeah. But he never had any knowledge about mafia, murdering and torturing mercilessly. Jimin was hard in the outside, but he really had a warm heart inside. Taehyung was the only one who saw him through his facade. 

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