Chapter 2

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Skip to before grand magic games
3rd person

The fairy tail guild had decide to compete in the grand magic games. Mostly after learning that their guilds rank was 8th-.-
The members picked to compete were Natsu, Ezra, Wendy, Gray, and Lucy( plus happy cx). All 5 of them headed out to train for 3 months for the magic games. Not only them but the rest of the guild members also left to train for 3 months. Gajeel and lily went to train together. Lisanna, Mirajane, Elf Man, and Cana also went to train together.. Everyone was working hard to prepare for the games and to get stronger; physically and mentally.

Meanwhile in Saberooth guild^.^ (still 3rd person)

Master Jenma summoned all the members for a meeting to discuss the grand magic games.
"Today I'm going to tell you who will be participating in the games." All members waited anxiously for their master to speak," the members participating will be.... Sting, Rouge, Ruffus, Orga...and finally Yukino" the whole room filled with chatter, mostly about Yukino. Then Yukino stepped forward to speak" master may I ask why I was chosen to participate, when Lady Minerva always participates?" There was a long pause before Master Jenma spoke," it's because Minerva will be going on a quest and will not be able to participate, so I chose you to take her place.... This is a once and a life time opportunity. Don't mess this up, understand." " yes I understand Master" Yukino answered. Master Jenma spoke again," another thing...(name) you will also be accompanying them to the magic games. You will assist them and deal with any sort of...problems they encounter. You will also help them with their training in preparation for the games understood." (Name) simply nodded. "Alright then, you 6 leave today to go train. Everyone's dismissed.
That day the 5 participants and (name?) left their guild to go train for the magic games.

Back with fairy tail guild(3rd person )

The fairy tale guild members were extremely upset to learn that their trip to the celestial spirit world resulted in them loosing the 3 months they had to train. Because of that the members were now training vigorously to make up for the months they missed to train.
But one day the guild members were training when they received a letter to go meet someone at a bridge. They went to go meet the people but were being cautious. When they arrived at the bridge they found that it was broken, but then suddenly the bridge started to rebuild itself. "guess that means they want us to cross it" Erza said. They cross the guild and find three people with hoods covering them standing there waiting for them. The three strangers took their hoods to reveal that they were Jellal, Ultear, and Meredy. Everyone surprised by them being there but are happy to see them again. Jellal then reveals that the three of them created a guild called Crime Sorciere that's sole purpose was to destroy dark guild that have any relation to Zeref.
"Now you're all probably wondering why I asked you to come here, for the past few years we've been sensing a strange magic that is similar to Zerefs every year during the grand magic games. We would like for you to figure out who it is during your participation in the games." Ultear showed them her magic ball," we know about what happened with you loosing your training time. If you help us out I can use my magic ball to raise your magical power to unlock "second origin", but I warn you it will be extremely painful." Natsu just laughs," as if, we can handle it right guys?" the whole guild cheers in the process.
Then Ultear began with the process of unlocking their second origin. Natsu went first. Natsu was enduring extreme pain, that just by watching him the others feared for when it would be their turn. Jet and Droy got scared watching Natsu and ran off saying that they didn't want any part of this.
(skip erza and jellal scene)
And so, after everyone(except Jet and Droy) had gotten their second origin unlocked, Jellal, Meredy, and Ultear had left leaving the members except Erza in extreme pain.

Natsu and his friends were heading on their way to Crocus where the game will be held. At the sane time Sabertooth is also traveling to Crocus for the games.
(Lucy's POV)
Everyone was walking together to the nearest train station so that we can get to Crocus. But knowing Natsu, he was doing everything to try to get us to walk the whole way. Which of course we all refused. "Co' mon! I don't see why we can't just walk there!" he kept urging, until Erza went and screamed at him," You know we can't do that so stop complaining!!!" Natsu ended up cowering away from her." I looked over my shoulder," look Natsu, we understand that you can't stand transportation. But we won't make it in time if we do things your way" I sighed and looked forward.
We were walking for a while and everything was peaceful, well besides having to listen to Natsu's constant moaning. And ignoring it certainly didn't help. That's when I noticed a small diner not too far from here. "Hey guys, why don't we stop to rest at that diner. We could get something to eat there" but before anybody could answer Natsu and Happy ran past me to the diner." Natsu wait up!" Gray yelled. " No way! I'm starving so I'm gonna get some food before all of you!!" And off he went.
" *sigh* I guess we should follow him" I said and started walking. Erza nodded," yes I agree, there's no telling what he could do" " Then we should hurry, or Natsu might end up destroying the place" Gray spoke. And so we all ran after Natsu.

(Natsu's POV)
As soon as I heard Lucy talking about stopping at a diner I ran as fast as I could so I could be the first to get some food, with Happy following behind me. I was running so fast that I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I ended up running into someone and we both ended up falling with me on top of him. it wasn't a guy. It was a girl, a very pretty one. We stared into each other's eyes for who knows how long.

(Name's? POV)
That stupid Orga! Making me go to a diner just to bring him his food. That guys big enough as it is he doesn't need anymore food!
I walked out of the diner with Orga's and everyone else's food and was about to go to where the others were until something came crashing into me. Turns out it was some guy. I looked up to him and instantly I started blushing madly. I mean who wouldn't the guy was HOT! Although it was strange that he had pink hair. I don't know why, but we just lay there looking into each others eyes. That is until I looked and realized what position we were in, which made me blush even more. But I started to get uncomfortable," umm, do you mind getting off me?" he looked confused at first but then he looked down at me and his eyes widened. He jumped off me quickly and freaking out," how long have we been like that!!" he screamed. I sweat dropped. Wait he just noticed he was laying on top of me for like 10 minutes. While the pink head was freaking out I realized that not only is he hot, but ripped too. 0///0 I blushed again thinking about it but forced it away so he wouldn't notice. Then he finally stopped freaking out and walked over to me," sorry about that, especially about me being on top of you. It was an accident" he said scratching the back of his head nervously. I smiled at how cute he was," it's okay I know you didn't mean to do it" He returned my smile with a huge grin. I also noticed that he had large sharp teeth, weird they look just like Sting and Rouge's O.o
He spoke breaking me out of my thoughts," anyway, my names Natsu what's yours?" but before I could answer him some people ran up to him screaming his name. They started yelling at him telling him he was an idiot or something. Deciding I should get back to the others I grabbed the bag of food and left.

(Natsu's POV)
"Anyway, my names Natsu what's yours" she was about to answer until I heard someone calling me. I looked behind and saw it was Erza, Gray, Wendy, Lucy, and Carla running towards me. They yelled at me for a good five minutes then just decided to go inside.
As I was heading inside the diner I noticed that the girl I was talking to earlier was gone. I sighed," great, I never even found out her name" Just then Happy surprised me saying "you liiiiikkee her" I blushed," what are you talking about Happy!?" he started giggling," that girl I saw you laying on" I blushed even more," so you do like her. I could tell by how long you two were just laying there" I blushed even more and got mad and started chasing Happy who was yelling about me liking the girl.

(Name's? POV)
Once I got back to the group they started questioning me about why I took so long, well mostly Orga. When it's obvious that he was only mad because he didn't wasn't his food to get cold. " Shut up already, I got your food so stop complaining!" Everyone got quiet. Then I noticed someone behind me, I turned around and saw Sting....sniffing me!" umm, Sting why are you sniffing me?" He stopped sniffing to look at me," I don't know, its just that you smell good" I sweat dropped," what's_" " hey Rouge come here" he said interrupting me. Rouge then walked over," what is it Sting?" Sting pushed me towards Rouge," smell (Name)" so he sniffed me," she smells good right?" Sting said and Rouge nodded," Yes, but I can't figure out why" -.- I had enough so I pushed them away from me," okay I get t I smell nice, so does about every person in the world. But it would be nice if I didn't have two guys sniffing me and invading my personal space!" I screamed at them. Sting put his hands up in defense," okay were sorry, we won't sniff you anymore, right Rouge" he said gesturing to his fellow dragon slayer who simply nodded. I rolled my eyes," whatever lets just eat then get a move on, okay?" both nodded and went to go eat with everyone. I sighed, this is gonna be a long trip.

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