Chapter 5

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(3rd person)
Hidden was a game where many clones were made of each competitor. And the point of the game was to find the real one and attack them, if you hit a clone then you get minus 1 point. And so you don't get caught most of the mages were blending in with the clones so they wouldn't be caught.

Everything was going well for Gray who was hiding with the clones, until Nullpudding from Raven Tail attacks ray from behind giving Nullpudding+1 point and Gray -1. Gray then reappears in a different area. Other mages are also battling each other. Everyone was surprised when Eve from Blue Pegasus suddenly released a snow storm in the area, Eve's plan was to make the mages cold because the clones don't breath so when they breath in the air their breath will be blue. Thanks to his plan, Eve managed to hit 3 mages earning +3 points. Then when Gray was walking around and Nallpudding appeared behind him, so Gray used his magic to hit him. But it turned out that he hit a clone because Nallpudding used one in his place, then suddenly Nallpudding hit Gray again with his magic and now Gray has -2 points. Gray reappeared in another area and ended up running into Lyon, they were getting in their fighting stances when Juvia appeared above them and knocking out Lyon who was to distracted by her...panties. So Juvia got +1 point.

Juvia told Gray that she was gonna win this because the master promised that which ever team won got to order the other team around for a whole day. While Gray freaked out bout it the other members were thinking of what to do to the other members when the won. Most of them being idiotic and strange, but we all know what Juvia was gonna make Gray do;)

As they were on the middle of talking suddenly Nallpudding appeared before them and hit them both at the same time with his magic. 'not again!' Gray thought to himself.
Then everyone saw a surprising sight. Rufus from Sabertooth was standing on top of the tallest building not even attempting to hide himself. "There's no reason for me to hide" Rufus said to everyone. Then Rufus unleashed his memory-make magic and released a lighting strike on everyone shocking them earning him +6 points. But Nallpudding dodged in time and headed straight for Rufus attempting to hit him. But when he attacked him, Rufus disappeared and reappeared behind Nallpudding surprising him." That's was just a memory of me standing there" He said before attacking Nallpudding and earning another point. Thus the game Hidden ended with Sabertooth being 1st, Raven Tail second, and Fairy Tail B 7th, and Fairy Tail A last. When Gray returned to his guild mates, Lucy tried to tell Gray to not feel bad about it, but all Gray said was "I'm sorry" and walked away from them.

(Lucy's POV)
It pained me to see Gray like that. It was Raven Tail's fault in the first place, that guy kept attacking Gray and not even giving him a chance to do anything. Just then the pumpkin spoke about the battle part," For the battle part it will be Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail A vs Flare Corona from Raven Tail." I had to get revenge for Gray and Juvia and to get points for Fairy Tail," Leave it to me, I'll definitely win" I told them confidently.
Both of us walked towards the center of the arena. She kept giving me a weird look and said," Blondie" then the pumpkin said "start"

(Name's POV)
I felt bad for those two from Natsu's guild, that guy from Raven Tail kept making it so they couldn't score any points. Then that Lucy girl was called to battle against this creepy red head girl. Hmn, that Lucy girl's always with Natsu, I wonder if they're dating.
I was too busy debating over weather or not Lucy was Natsu's girlfriend that I didn't realize Sting was calling me. I sighed," Maybe they are dating" "Maybe who's dating?" I turned around surprised, I didn't think anybody heard me." It's nothing, don't worry about it" Sting kept eying me probably figuring out if I was lying," What are you hiding (Name)?" "N-nothing" I said quickly. Sting leaned over the railing and looked over at me," Is this about Natsu?" My eyes widened for a second, how did he figure that out." so I was right" he told me. I shook my head," no its not about Natsu" I said trying to sound convincible," You're a bad liar (Name)" I sighed in defeat," okay, so I was thinking about him, what of it" He looked away from me to the arena," You like him don't you?" I gasped," what are you talking about, of course not. I dint even know the guy!" I told him. He smirked at me," even if you did like Natsu, you can't do anything about it. Like I told you yesterday, he's the enemy" I glared at him," you know you can't control my life" He chuckled," we'll see about that. Besides the master wouldn't be happy if he found out you were into a fairy" I glared at him," well I'm not into him, so there's nothing to worry about" I said looking at the arena." There better not be" he said seriously. On the outside I looked like I didn't care but really I was freaking out. The master would be pissed.

The talking pumpkin broke me out of my thoughts when he announced the match between Lucy and creepy girl to begin.

(Natsu's POV)
Just before Lucy's match started I saw (Name) with Sabertooth's other competitors, well she is a member of their guild so it made sense. I wish she was in our guild. Wait! Did I really just say that. I shook my head in frustration. Stop thinking like that." hey Natsu are you okay?" happy asked me. I looked over to him only to realize that they were all staring at me weirdly." Oh yeah, I'm okay. I'm just worried about Lucy" They nodded understanding. That wasn't a total lie but I was more worried about why I keep thinking these things.

I looked over at (Name) only to see that she and that bastard Sting talking. Are they dating? They sure didn't act like it when we first met. No, from what I recall, he was pissed off when happy said we were laying on each other. I kept looking at them and noticed she was only talking to him. So I'm right.
Then suddenly the pumpkin announced that the match between Lucy and that Raven girl was to start.
I need to stop worrying about (Name) and pay attention to the match, for Lucy's sake

(3rd person)
The match between Lucy and Flare had just begun and Lucy started by summoning both Taurus and Scorpio and having them combine their powers to attack Flare. They succeed in knocking her down to everyone's surprise. Then sends them back and Flare then uses her hair magic to make a wolf out of her hair. Lucy then reacts by summoning Cancer who then immediately cuts Flare's hair to get rid of the hair." M-my red hair" she says before getting furious at Lucy for cutting her hair. She uses magic to make her hair become flames and grabs a hold of Lucy's leg saying," my red hair does anything I want it to" "funny so does my Fleuve d'etoils"(the whip Virgo gave her) Lucy uses her Fleuve d'etoils to wrap around Flares arm and both going into the air hitting each other with their magic causing damage to both. Then both end up on the ground, and Lucy's shoes are burned but little damage was done to her feet. Flare is angered and had her hair go underground and attacks Lucy from below. She throws Lucy around for a bit then throws her to the floor. Flare then does it again but this time Lucy isn't her target, Lucy realizes that she's aiming for Azuka and tries to warn them but Flare covers her mouths and throws her to the ground to prevent her from talking." Don't say another word or the brat gets it. Don't even try to fight back" she threatens her. Lucy fearing for Azuka's life obeys Flare and allows Flare to beat her endlessly. And attempting to burn Raven tail guild mark over Lucy's Fairy Tail guild Mark," No not there!" she screams

Lucy's fellow guild mates are worried something's wrong with Lucy because of the now one-sided battle. Flare get attacking Lucy not knowing that a certain fairy had heard them.

Natsu runs up to Azuka burning the hair shocking Flare and Lucy" Azuka huh!" " Natsu" Lucy yells," Lucy now!" he yells over to her.
Lucy then summons Gemini that help her get free of the hair and attack Flare. "now transform into me" she tells them. "but we haven't practiced enough" they told her" just do it" And so Gemini transform into Lucy...that's only in a towel. Making the men getting hearts in their eyes. Ignoring them, Lucy and Gemini put their hands together and say a few words. Fare started to freak out because suddenly stars appeared in the sky," Urano Metrial!" And the arena lights up but then the light dies down and Flare is unarmed but for some reason all of Lucy's magical power is gone. Lucy then collapses and the pumpkin announced Flare the winner.
The truth is that Flare cheated, one of her guild members helped her out from the outside. Everyone noticed what happened except for the spectators(minus Yajima). And the audience continued to insult Lucy. Flare started laughing at Lucy calling her ugly, weak, and a loser.

Lucy stays on the ground crying until Natsu comes over to Lucy,"Common lets go"(I think that's wat he says idk) she continues to cry," But..." " common, save the tears for when we win" She gets up," we definitely win" she while still crying

(Name's POV)
"That's not fair, Lucy should've won" I feel bad, its because of those guys from Raven Tail that cheated." the judges didn't see anything, so the other girl won" Rouge said. I frowned. Then I saw Natsu walking up to her and cheering her up. From the looks of it, it worked and she seemed more confident. I smiled to myself. Natsu really is a great guy. He can make a bad situation better.

There's no one like that in the guild....Fairy Tails a lucky guild.

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