Chapter 9

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(Name's POV)
It was the third day of the grand magic games, but I really wasn't up to it. The events from yesterday were still bugging me: yukino getting kicked out of the guild and natsu barging in and attacking us. But what really bothered me was what Natsu said to me. That Sabertooth wasn't my friend.
I lay in bed thinking over and over about it. Was he right, or was he wrong, or am I the wrong one.
I heard a knock coming from the door," (Name) are you awake?" I heard Sting say from the other side. I didn't answer." (Name) wake up we need to leave for the games!" he said again. Figured he wouldn't give up til I answered I lazily got out of bed and opened the door." What do you want?" I said angrily, I really wasn't in the mood right now." We have to leave for the games remember. So get ready" he said. He was about to walk away but I told him," I'm not going" and slammed the door in his face before he could react. I walked back to my bed and ignored the constant banging and yelling coming from Sting's mouth. After a few minutes it stopped, he probably realized I wasn't going to give in. After a little while the whole guild left for the games, and the whole inn was completely quiet. Everyone was bugging me about why I wasn't going, but I ignored them, I just didn't feel like going, not because of Natsu, I just need some time alone today.
After an hour of just laying in bed I got bored. " *sigh* I need something to do" I got out of bed, changed my clothes and headed out. Since everyone was at the arena I could actually enjoy myself today without all the drunks, freaks, and any one that would piss me off. I walked around town and decided to go exploring, since I've been so busy with the games I never got a chance. As I walked around I passed by....well, nothing. The whole town was disserted. "I guess everyone's really is at the arena. I figured at least some people would be out here." I sighed. I looked around and even all the shops were closed except for the bars.
I walked hoping to find at least one shop open that doesn't only serve beer. But then suddenly I saw Natsu standing a few feet away from me. "Natsu?" why is he here? Shouldn't he be in the arena? "Natus!" I called out. He looked at me, but then just started walking away. "Natsu where are you going?!" I yelled but he didn't listen he just kept walking. I ran after him and kept calling but he still didn't answer and kept walking. Pretty fast actually, I had to run jut to keep up.

Finally he stopped running, and I realized we were in the forest outside of Crocus city. I leaned over to catch my breath from all that running. "N-natsu whats going on. why aren't you at the area?" he turned around and what I saw was horrible.

Natus's eye's, they were pure black. Like there was nothing in there but darkness. There was even blood coming out of his eyes and mouth.(THE PIC AT THE TOP). I tried not to look at him in the eye, but it was getting difficult. "(Name)" Natsu called. Out of instinct I looked at him. As soon as I looked him in the eye my whole body froze." Wh-whats going on. Why can't I move" I kept struggling but stayed frozen. I then heard footsteps coming closer. Natsu, he was walking toward me. I need to get away! I could hear him coming closer and closer, I closed my eyes wishing it to be only a dream. I could feel him standing right in front of me, but I kept my eyes closed. "(Name) look at me" He said. But I didn't, I was scared abut what would happen if I looked at him again. "(Name)" he said again. What do I do, how do I get away from him. "(Name)" he called again, but this time it wasn't Natsu's voice. I opened my eyes but he was still standing there grinning at me. "Who are you? You're not Natsu" He smirked," you sure about that?" my eyes widened, what does he mean by that?

We just kept staring at each other until he smiled evilly and before I knew it he started choking me. "N-n-natsu what a-are you..." I struggled inn his hold. I couldn't breath, his grip was too strong! I don't know how long he was choking me, but soon my vision became blurry, I wasn't struggling as much, all my energy was draining away.

The last thing I saw was Natsu smirking before everything went black.

I opened my eyes and noticed I was laying on the ground. My neck really hurt," what happened?" but then it all came to me, I followed Natsu into the forest and, he looked really different....!! that's right Natsu was choking me..... I touched the spot where he grabbed me and I could see a bruise around my neck. My neck was really sore now. " so it wasn't a dream then..." I sighed.
"no it wasn't" I turned quickly to the voice. And there was Natsu sitting next to me. I backed away from him," (Name) please hear me out" he said. But I was too scared, I kept backing up, then Natsu tried to reach for me but I got up quickly and ran as fast as I could.

I kept running and never looked back. I stopped when I was out of the forest. I looked behind and didn't see Natsu," I lost him" I felt something touch my shoulder, I turned around and saw Natsu standing right behind me! How did he get here so fast?! I turned to run but he got a hold of my hand,"(Name) wait" I tried to release myself from his grip but he held on tight." Get away from me!!!" I screamed. "(Name) please! I didn't mean to hurt you!" He yelled. "but you did!!" I screamed, I could feel the tears falling."(Name) please listen" he pleaded. I didn't move, I couldn't. I wanted to run away but I also wanted to hear his explanation. I looked at him," fine" He smiled, pleased with my answer.

"look (Name) I didn't mean for that to happen. No one was suppose to be there when it happened" he started." What are you talking about, when what started?" I asked. He looked hesitant to answer," Natsu tell me, now" I demanded. He sighed," (Name) remember when we got in that fight 2 days ago in the park?" I nodded." remember when you over heard me talking about not being stronger than Sting and Rouge because they were real dragon slayers?" I sighed," Natsu what are you getting at?" He gave me a serious look," (Name), Sting and Rouge are only true dragon slayer because they're third generation dragon slayer" My eyes widened when I realized what he meant," Natsu you didn't..." He nodded," Yeah I did"

My heart began beating fast. Natsu wouldn't do it, he can't....

He looked me straight in the eye and said," (Name) I made myself into a third generation dragon slayer"

Drew the picture to show you what Natsu looks like when confronted by (Name). Hope you like it ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2015 ⏰

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