Chapter 4

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(Name's POV)
I've been walking around for hours thanks to those idiots. They ditched me and now I'm lost. And since I don't know where the inn were staying at is, I'm forced to find them. It was already dark out side, and it was almost time for the participants to return to their sleeping quarters. If those two don't make it in time they'll get disqualified, usual I'm the one that gets in trouble.
As I turned a corner I saw a group of people huddled in a circle. I walked towards it and heard Sting say something about being able to defeat Acani-no- I don't know, he said something. I listened for a while til I heard enough. Whoever he saw talking to, he was being very cruel to them. I walked towards them with their back facing me and whacked both on the head really hard yelling "you idiots" to them. As I looked up I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was the same pink headed, hot, idiotic guy I met a few days ago," Natsu" I said without realizing it. He looked up at me with a surprised look in his face," its you"

Everyone looked back and forwards at us trying to figure out what's going on. I smiled at Natsu and walked over to him," its been a while Natsu, how have you been?" he was puzzled at first," wait what are you doing here?" he asked me. I was about to answer til I heard someone say angrily," she's here with us" I turned around to find it was Sting that said that. I rolled my eyes," Sting be nice" He walked towards me and yanked me away from Natsu," Why the hell do you and Natsu know each other?" he demanded. I guess he doesn't like that guy. I then saw that blond girl walk up to Natsu and us," I was wondering too, Natsu do you know her?" He opened his mouth to say something until a blue cat flew in front of us saying," of course they know each other, that's Natsu's girlfriend" " GIRLFRIEND!!" Everyone yelled. " That's not true!" we both yelled, but it didn't help us since we were both blushing madly. " Happy don't say things like that!" Natsu yelled at the cat named Happy. But Happy just giggled," then why did I see you laying on top of her the other day?" My blush got deeper remembering that day." Natsu!" the blond girl gasped. I sighed. " (Name) is this true?" I looked over at Sting, and boy was he mad. And I knew better than to make Sting mad. " Of course not it was just a misunderstanding" I hope he believes me. I looked over to Natsu," right Natsu?" he nodded quickly but still blushing," yeah! It was a misunderstanding. It was." he said. I looked over at Sting, not sure what he'll do next." hmp, Rouge, Lector, Frosch lets go. You too (Name)." He started to walk away, but stopped and looked at Natsu," Stay away from (Name) alright. She belongs to Sabertooth not some pathetic weak guild. And if you actually think you can defeat us, then you have another thing coming. A first generation like you could never beat us." He then walked away with the others.

But I can't believe he said that. But then realizing I was going to be left behind if I didn't hurry I ran after them but then stopped when Natsu called after me," (Name)" I stopped and looked at him." So your names (Name)" he said and I nodded. He grinned at me," at least I know your name now. You left last time without telling me." He was being so cute I just had to smile. His smile then turned to a glare. At first I thought he was glaring at me, but no he was glaring behind me. I turned around to find Sting behind me looking very pissed off," don't you listen. I said lets go" before I could answer he grabbed my hand and dragged me away from Natsu and his friends. I didn't even have a chance to say good bye.
When we got to the inn I yanked my arm from Sting." what the hell was that about!" I yelled at him. He didn't even flinch at my words," that's what I should be asking you" okay now I was confused," what are you talking about, I did nothing wrong. You're the one that's going around calling people weak" He started walking towards me, I kept backing away til by back hit the all." You don't know what you did wrong. Wow you're even dumber than I thought" I tilted my had in confusion." what do you mean?" He glared at me," that guy you were being so friendly with was Natsu Dragneel" My eyes widened at that name," wait so he's the dragon slayer that disappeared 7yrs ago. The one who couldn't defeat the dragon?" " Yeah, that was him." Sting said.
I had no idea that was the Natsu that Sting and Rouge talked about. The one they said was so weak that he couldn't even defeat a dragon. The way Sting talked about him made Natsu seem pathetic and weak. But from what I saw he was the exact opposite. I could tell just by looking at him he was strong and had incredible magical power."(Name)" Sting called me. I looked at him so see him glaring at me." From now on you're to stay away from Natsu Dragneel, understand." He said that sounded more like a demand than a question." But why? He doesn't seem like that bad of a guy to me_" " Because he's the enemy (Name)" Sting yelled at me. I glared at him," So what? Just cause you say so doesn't mean I have to listen to what you say" I said sternly. He smirked at me," as long as you're in this guild you're going to follow our orders. The masters, Lady Minerva's, mine, and everyone's in the guild." I glared even harder at him," I can just quit the guild" He looked amused at what I said," (Name) you've said that to us hundreds of times before. And you still haven't quit. Do you honestly think that I believe your bluff." I bowed my head down, he was right. I've threaten to leave the guild before but never done it. I don't know why I just cant leave this guild. No matter how badly they treat me. I sighed and looked up at Sting," alright I'll stay away from Natsu Dragneel" He smiled at me," Good, now lets go inside. It' almost 12." He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. *sigh* sometimes I don't understand Sting. He always acts like this, one minute he's ,mad, then the next he's smiling like nothing happened.

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