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seolee quietly followed donghuck into his room, head down as her eyes traced the back of his feet

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seolee quietly followed donghuck into his room, head down as her eyes traced the back of his feet. she didn't exactly know what was about to be talked about- but she knew it'd probably be a lecture of how she shouldn't have gone out by herself blah blah blah.

donghyuck opened the door for her, allowing her to walk in first and going in after her. closing and locking the door, he looked at the girl who had taken a seat on the small chair at his desk.

the tension in the air was thick, seolee shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. "you know it's dangerous for you to go out on your own." donghyucks voice cut through, stern and angry.

seolee lowered her head yet again,m in shame. "i'm s-sorry." her voice came out as a small whisper but donghyuck could hear. "sorry isn't going to make up for the fact that you could've died seolee!" he shouted angrily, causing seolee to flinch.

she looked up to scan his angered face. her expression twisted, feeling his anger effect her. "but i didn't die though! i'm not weak and stupid like you think i am donghyuck." she hissed through grit teeth, fingers clenching the material of her dirtied shirt.

"but you could've seolee! and i don't know what i would do if something happened to you." his voice faltered, unknowingly, tears filled the brim of his eyes. seolee have him a questioning look.

"you make me feel- you just came into my life and completely turned it around. you made me feel things i haven't felt in a long time. i don't like the effect you have on me but at the same time i love it so much." he confessed, letting his guard down for the first time in a long time.

"i love you... so much seolee. the thought of you being away from me for even a day hurts me so much- let alone you being held captive where i can't protect you." seolees heartbeat sped up, eyes widening at the sudden "i love you" coming from the gang leader.

she did not expect for him to just confess his love for her right there and then.

the girl didn't say anything. instead she collected herself and stood up, walking towards her soulmate. "i don't know how to explain it but you- you brought a whole new perspective to my life. you brought color into my life- quite literally." they would be laughing right now if they weren't both on the brink of sobbing.

"say it again." seolee spoke, trying to fight her smile, her quick heart rate, and her tears. donghyuck made eye contact with the girl, a quizzical look on his face. "say it again please." she was now right in front of him, glistening brown eyes looking right back up at him.

he gulped at the beautiful sight in front of him, heart skipping a beat. even though her hair was messy and she had a few scratches on her face, she still somehow managed to look effortlessly gorgeous.

it then clicked in donghyucks mind, what she was asking for. "moon seolee, i love you more then words could ever explain." she didn't even give herself time to react before smashing her lips on his.

so i got bad writers block for this chapter but isok- although this book is sadly coming to an end :((

BUT don't worry because i have another book for my supernatural series in the works ;)

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