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I have been crying in the rain,
When I do, I wash the pain away,
Every tear drop is a confession,
I have enough melancholy to drown myself in,
Letting me slip into blues in the morning,
I have been the boy standing in the corner,
With the haunted eyes and broken smile,
I have so many masks,
Even I confuse myself.

The injuries add up one by one,
Sometimes I tear myself apart,
Beaten and broken with no heart and no smile,
My soul has been stolen,
My mind has been plagued,
My demons come as part of the package,
I am a defiant of the darkness,
A dreamweaver of the night,
I wander alone at midnight.

I've learnt how to ride my fears perfectly,
Wearing my pain's full glamour,
Feeling the sadness course through me,
Just like adrenaline running through my viens,
I don’t know what’s best for me now,
All I know is that toffees used to be good for me,
Even that is no longer available,
A ruin from the future ahead,
A lingering pain from the past and behind,

I keep holding unto my fantasies just tight enough,
I find joy in there,
Though I keep slipping into reality,
I wonder who will deliver a bunch of happiness for me,
This sadness I've taught myself to hide,
Is anyone there?
Does anyone care?
If one day I cross your mind,
Hold me close for just a little while.


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