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I've been scalded by reality
My soul has been burnt right through
There different colors each ripping a piece of my soul
Some people are lost in their fires
Some are forged in them
But I just keep burning in mine
My spirit leaves with the smoke
I gaze at the flames all through
But it's the darkness behind that speaks to me.

I have a dual soul with a paradox mind
I'm happy and sad, mostly sad
I laugh at funny things
I smile at pretty things
But late at night when my ghost comes alive
I become a mess of emotions and thoughts
All I wish is to disappear
I yell for an embrace
But all I do is keep running.

I have two wishes forming in the fire
A sway to cry my emotions out
A script to crown my death
Roses are red and my soul is crying
Violets are blue and my heart is sad
In time everything will fade away
With the pain lingering
Just waiting to be done

When my blood is dripping down my cold fingers.

I have a smiling face
But my skull burns from within
And a happiness that's fake
A pain inside that can't be felt
I can't say it doesn't hurt
Even though I'm numb
I wake up everyday
Just waiting to be done
I feel sad, not vengeful, just sad.


The Man Above The Boy WithinWhere stories live. Discover now