Chapter Eleven💫✨

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I figured it out, the place I started was in that fancy ass room I woke up in!

"Well I'll be going back to my business, oh and by the way, that safe requires a code." Butch says as he's walking away.

Damn it! I assumed he would be a little more old fashioned and have me look for a key to get the safe open. My neck still stings a little from that shock but I'll be okay, I just hope it didn't cause any damage to my neck, besides this collar is pretty thin...anyway I need to focus. I walk back to the room that I woke up in and start looking around.

"Where could it be..." I mumble.

I look under the bed, nothing. I look in the drawers and dressers, nothing. I look in the closet, nothing. I even looked behind the dressers and there is still nothing! Ugh where could that stupid safe be! There's not much in this room it's kind of small if I say so myself but how do you hide a safe this well in a room like this? I noticed there was one spot I haven't looked, behind the mirror.

"Finally!" I shout we glee.

I found it! The safe was behind the mirror and it's inside of the wall. Now, what could the code be...well since this boy is a "stalker" I'm going to assume it's the only reasonable thing...

"06.30.02" I whisper.

What? It's wrong? Ugh then what is it! Jeez this is hopeless I'm starting to think I'm never going to get of here! Should I ask Butch for another clue or...

"Wait what's this..." I say in a low voice.

I noticed something was stuck behind the mirror, it looked like a piece of paper. I ripped it off and it looked like...a code! Yes! Dude are you trying to make me play an escape room? Heh.

"Okay, okay, 11.11.02" I whisper.

Let's go! It worked! The safe popped open and I was able to get my phone. Maybe there is hope! I scroll through my phone to see if he had tampered with anything, turns out he did. He had removed all of my contacts. Well I can still call 911, it's not like I'd call my friends for hel—

"Yoink" Butch says popping out nowhere.

Goddamnit! Where does he keep coming from?!

"I'll take that!" Butch says snatching my phone out of my hand.

"What the— Hey! Give it back!" I shout.

"Hm...Kiss me for it." Butch says with a smirk on his face.

"In your dreams, I'm not messing around give me my phone!" I shout.

"Like I said you gotta kiss me for it." Butch says.

I only have one word to describe him right now: Despicable.

"Fuck. No." I say.

"Well I guess you're not getting it back." Butch says shrugging his shoulders.

I can't believe this boy, dude this is not how you make a lady love you unless your name is Massimo Torricelli!

"Wait....fine." I say shyly.

Butch lets out a "Hmph" and steps towards me. He lifts up my chin and grins, and right before I knew it he, kissed me. His eyes were closed as his soft lips pressed against mine, and for some reason, I was kind of...enjoying it. Wait, wait, no I can't like this, I refuse to enjoy this! Butch hasn't let go yet, still kissing me like he's waiting for me to make some move. I can't take it, I rap my arms around his neck kind of...begging him for more. I shouldn't be liking this but for some reason I just can't help it, like my body is telling me to just do it. Butch picks me up, still kissing me and then lays me down on the bed. Soon he takes his lips off of mine and just leaves. Making me sit there, leaving me to want more.

I'm sorry I took so long, it was my moms birthday and...I was just busy lmao! But I don't really have much to say right now so...see ya next chapter! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

HIS POSSESSION: BUTCHERCUP STORY!💫✨Where stories live. Discover now