Chapter Nineteen💫✨

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"Buttercup~ Wake up~" Butch's calls out as I felt a him shaking my body.

"Gimme a half hour..." I say sleepily.

"A half- Damn lady usually people say 5 more minutes but you want a whole half hour?" Butch says.

"Yes now go away..." I say swatting Butch's hand away from my body.

Just like I felt two hands pick me up bridal style (WHY DO PEOPLE CALL IT THAT I FIND IT SO WEIRD!) and started walking. I instantly woke up.

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Where are you taking me!" I yell.

"The bathroom so you can shower, we're going somewhere." Butch says.

"Ooh, where?" I ask with glee.

You see at first, I hated this but the shit he's doing but now, I feel like a queen! I mean look at me I'm practically living in Orlando fucking Florida! Butch has taken me to stores, he took me grocery shopping one day but hey we gotta eat, he even took me to plays where there are people who serve you. If this is royalty sign me up for the next 80 something years of my life.

"My business, I want you to see it, plus I have clients to meet." Butch says putting me down in the bathroom.

"...Will there be—" I say but was cut off.

"Yes there will be breakfast." Butch says chuckling a little.

Little kids who are reading grab a paper and a pencil and JOT THIS DOWN: REMINDER: Bribe Buttercup with food, it will get her out the house. Especially if it's breakfast.

I took a shower, dried my hair, and walked into my room noticing an outfit on the bed. Awe he made it look like something I would wear in public to make people think I'm a lawyer but also Kylie Jenner in disguise. Butch had gave me an outfit that sort of looks like a tuxedo but also something you would wear when you're getting an award and you wanna remind them that you're famous. It was a white dress shirt, a grey tuxedo coat, some grey shorts to match, and (I'm scared there gonna get dirty but who cares really...) a pair of VELVET YES VELVET white thigh high heels. What an outfit, I feel like a modern day Celine Dion.

After putting it all on and fixing my hair making it a low ponytail, almost like Ariana Grandes from her Sweetener album— how do I know that? Whatever. And admiring myself looking FINE AS HELL (I sound like Bubbles ew.) I walk downstairs and head outside to see Butch waiting in his car.

"Damn, you're slow." Butch says.

"Us ladies work hard on our appearances." I say.

"Clearly, but as always you look stunning." Butch says.

"I know, like I said, we work hard." I say.

And just like that we were off to his business. I started to notice once you drive a little bit farther out it almost looks like you're in a suburban area in New Townsville. Just there's more palm trees and open space. Eventually we made it to this HUGE ASS, AND I MEAN HUGE ASS AS IN YOU PROBABLY WOULD NEED A BEANSTALK TO MAKE IT TO THE ROOF HUGE, OFFICE BUILDING. Is this dude successful or what...

Butch let's me out the car and hands his car keys to the Valet and he takes his car away. I feel him having a business should be illegal because never in my life have I seen an 18 year old go from criminal to class.

HIS POSSESSION: BUTCHERCUP STORY!💫✨Where stories live. Discover now