Demonic Call

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A day during the calling and mentioning them with my game, nothing really happens. The day was normal and still the same. Quarantine boredom strikes so hard since I've almost done anything I could inside my room. On this date, nobody is allowed to go out except to some people who have quarantine pass. Things getting harder and harder. Here get's me to think of reminding my pasts and try to contact my five Elementary friends and asked if 'Mary Jane' is still alive. At the same time I told them about my experiences and how big is the impact of it in my life. We promised not to talk about it anymore when we we're 6th Grader. We promised to forget and move on but I heard from someone that she is long dead by now because her body can't keep up with how lively this evil spirit is inside of her. I feel sad hearing about it, but other says she's still alive. One thing for sure, I can't dare to go and check by myself or if she's still alive, I can't face her for one big reason.

Quarantine Date: April 22, 2020

0635H: A cat woke me up. I am renting now in an apartment in the vicinity of a 4-star Hotel in Davao City. I left the door wide open since the place is well-guarded and the community is secured. The door was opened around 0400H when I woke up due to room temperature that is boiling  through. The air-condition is not working on that day and the only fresh air coming in is from the main door itself.
This might be the craziest cat encounter I had. It gives the worst sound I ever heard as a cat as if it was there to wake me on my slumber while I'm in the couch. I shoo it away but it never helps. I threw an empty plastic bottle but the cat never even moved a little. Its stare towards me pierce me so much that I wanted to make it leave the room but not by getting close to it! So I did threw another empty plastic bottle and surprisingly, it never fazed the said cat. Right then I understand, it's a warning.

I kept getting animals or happenings around me to tell me a tale. These gives me a small vision of what is about to happen. I could barely see a snake inside my room which is really impossible because there's no grass around and this is a city living. The definition of seeing these snakes may be a disaster. Though I have these experiences, I am no bookish guy to google things like these. When I experienced these things, I just tend to forget as if nothing happens and that is what I promised to myself as well. I can't dare to let myself be open to these things. I've been running away since I was a kid. I have enough of this.

The cat left without saying. As if the cat owned me. It never wag its tail as it left the room. It never look back. It was still early in the morning and I'm not used to waking up on this time of the day but the cat left a very bad impression. I can't sleep. I mean I shouldn't sleep. I barely knew what will happen if I would so I got up and took some clothes to wear. As I unfold the white shirt that I took, I swear to God, it is full of black fast moving ants! It covers almost the entire floor of the room as I gradually ran going outside with the shirt in my bare hands! This never happened before nor I put foods with my shirt together. It's crazy to think of something but I never mind it's meaning.

I let the day on as I started writing about "A Hundred Flashbacks" - this story. A hundred story of my past experiences which connects to present and future. Things that I wanted to forget but it keeps coming back on me and now I decided to face it. To write it down. On that day, I started to remember what are those things happened in my life that is almost unbelievable. I have experienced Near Death Experiences and wished to share them all! As the night falls and the first day from my calling is almost done, I made a decision that I knew was crazy and that is - to record myself while sleeping and what a happened is really a terrifying one. 


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