Possession of Mary Jane

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Here's what I know about Mary Jane. She is a bliss girl. She works hard as a kid. She sales munchkins in classes hours to helped feeding her family on her very young age. She has a bamboo bank for savings in case they really have nothing to eat. She thinks nothing like a usual kid does. Her kindness is overflowing. Her voice could heal a wounded heart. Her eyes were full of forgiveness. I ain't using any idiomatic expressions to praise her. It is just really who she is. She is an ideal girl. She's an angel that God has given! Blessed her soul! God, why her?!!

Back when we where doing a spirit of the coin as a fifth grader, there's an actual released of trapped evil spirit! It means it was not my grandpa who appears before us. It disguised a name to resemble a dead from my subconscious mind. Nobody from us were possessed when we where fifth grader. This evil spirit lurking in our school actually lived in the Cotton Fruit Tree that is used to be my shelter which I mentioned from the previous chapter. After summoning her with the Ouija Board, she was gone really mad! She right away went back to her dwelling place which is the Cotton Fruit tree but along the way, she bumped into a fine young girl, it was Mary Jane.

I couldn't really tell if she's evil but since she possessed people then she is evil - right? But she actually is. After bumping to Mary Jane, she was delighted to see Mary Jane's light. How did we know that the evil spirit was a she and not a he? Because from the second paragraph of this chapter are the stories and words coming from Mary Jane's mouth in a different voice. I forgot the name of this evil spirit but I'm not going to mention names anyway so let's call her Livia.

Livia said, she never saw such light that pleases the eyes of them evils! As seen in discussion of exorcism, "there are two ways to become possessed by the Devil: either the Devil passes directly into a person (which is exactly what happened), or someone, usually said to be a witch working with the Devil sends a demon into a victim through bewitchment. Satan's role in earth is to tempt humans into sinning so that he may accuse them in the heavenly court. The six fifth grader might be all sinners. I am a sinner. Mary Jane on the other hand is the light of day. Devils wished is to bring down Mary Jane's light. To give her sufferings and to make her weak; so she will stop from believing the goodness of God Almighty.

How did she became weak?! When the evil spirit bumped to her and followed her all the way through the year, here comes the trials in life of her family a year after. Mary Jane's affection was her parents. Trials were put on the parent's and it affected her down to misery. I didn't ask for more about what happened with her family but it's what makes her decrepit. She was possessed by Livia when she was on its weakest state then the Devils triumphed on that day. You people need to pray and strengthen yourself always! I say, devils won't possessed evil doers; but people who do evil might be possessed in many ways. Do you know the worst kind of possession? It is when you never know that you are possessed. Our pastor preached it to us one Sunday. So ask yourself right now, "Am I possessed?"

JERUSALEM - Israeli President Reuven Rivlin told President Rodrigo Duterte that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, who murdered six million Jews during the Holocaust, was "the devil on earth." "Hitler was actually representing the devil himself. He was the devil on earth," told Duterte. (Inquirer.net)

Many people are possessed with demonic manifestations today. You can see them in suits. You can see them in garments and golds. They are everywhere. It's just that most people are blinded themselves from reality. Some people view minorities and the vulnerable ones as less than humans. Cases like these are into our black brothers who were usually perceived as low status - as being less than fully human in some countries. People also believed in Karma - assuming that the downtrodden of the world must deserve their fate. We are moral hypocrites. Not only do we tend to overestimate our own virtuousness, we are also inclined to moral hypocrisy. We favor ineffective leaders with psychopathic traits. One way for us to mitigate against our human failings would be if we were inclined to choose leaders with rare virtuousness and skill. People are sexually attracted to some with dark personality traits like how Netflix perceived bad characters as the good ones in society. We are imperfect in many ways but how the world see it today is nothing but normal and that's what makes it worst.

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Livia the evil spirit was a living person years ago

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Livia the evil spirit was a living person years ago. She was walking down the road of our school one night when someone grabs her. To make the long story short, she was raped and killed. Before she died, one part of her leg was cut so she cannot run away. Her body was thrown at the back of the gym inside the school premises. The cotton fruit tree in there was her dwelling place and was my personal relaxing place. Her body was founded later and is placed in the cemetery from our place near my parent's home right now. Her soul chose hatred and ignorance. She became a restless evil spirit living in that gloomy cotton fruit tree.

Evil spirits or unclean spirit refers to spirits of deceased persons who were not laid to rest and thus became demons. They inhabit wild or desolate places. This is Livia's case. To be honest I couldn't blame her for what happened. She was raped. Part of her leg was cut. She became a restless soul finding justice. That's why I said recently that I couldn't tell that she is a bad spirit. She became evil because of other persons' personal intentions which is lust. I don't think her soul can still be save like in some movies and anime's where the spirit was cleansed and moved to heaven. She's meant to serve demons now and forever. I felt sad for her but don't praise her. She's pure evil. If there's somebody to be blame about this, it's the rapist/killer. It maybe happened a hundred years now so justice couldn't save her since the culprit might be dead already. And for the actual possession it should be us; specifically, me or maybe the TV Show, whatever - what's done is done. 

Here comes the six fifth grader. We visited Mary Jane's place as requested. Before anything else, I always left a bad impression when something is about to happen. As we were together outside of Mary Jane's house, I was at the back of our group. I sensed her without seeing her. Really! She sensed me coming. We felt each other! She then ran going to the window of the bed where the view could see the visitors right away. I WILL NEVER FORGET WHAT SHE SAID AFTER SEEING US.

"Hi Sid!" she said with pure happiness of seeing me and excitement.

Call me Sid by the way. It was a very horrifying day. I knew it! First of all, I already stated that Mary Jane and I are no friends nor any mutual friends of friends. She isn't our classmate either. I barely remember her face as a schoolmate only when I saw her face that time. The big question is, 'HOW THE HELL DID SHE KNOW MY NAME!? And, WHY SHE GREETED JUST ME?!

I replied a 'hello' to her with a cringe down my spine. Other trembles and held together in fear and guilt. We were there and we deserved an explanation to what happened. As she was facing all of us and she started to tell the tale, Livia keeps on overlapping her words. She insists to talk in abnormal behavior in different voices. When she speaks craziness, that's Livia. When her tone is like an angel, it's Mary Jane. As she told us everything, the girls went on tears and recited thousands of apologies. I don't remember if I cried that time but the girls really did especially her neighbor which is included of 'The Six'; Jessie, my ideal girl but ended busted out of my efforts and true feelings for her. Whatever. When Livia consistently overlapped her talked, Mary Jane's brother will pressed down her toe; I don't remember if its right or left but it's the only way to stop Livia from overlapping when she speak.

How? Remember how Livia died? Her leg was cut-off so she couldn't run. Since Livia and Mary Jane shares the same body, whenever the part of her toe is touch, she will scream of pain. The only one in pain is Livia. Mary Jane can't feel the pain. That's how we maintain the communication with Mary Jane. I know that there's too much of what you read just now. Lucky you I still remember all of this and put it in writing. The conversation continues until Mary Jane have mentioned the God and the Seven Devils. 

Next: GOD and the Seven Devils

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