Soft Glow

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Eliana Tessa Castellanos

I returned when the sky turned dark, only to find the Lycan leaning over the back door of the house. My footsteps halt as his eyes fall onto my wet body. Those dark brown orbs darken even more as he takes me in. His eyes scanning my body and a deep growl follows soon after.

He takes slow predatory steps towards me and when I'm in arms reach, he grabs my waist and pulls me to him, slamming my damp body against his. A breath passes my lips upon the current sizzling through my body.

I try to pull myself off his strong grip but end up losing the battle as he nuzzles his face on the side of my neck, burying his head on my hair which was now grown past my shoulder.

I don't know why but it made me forget about everything that was on my mind as I relaxed in him arms, leaning my weight on him. It's like when I see him, all the self-blame and self-hate vanishes. When he pulls me to him, he makes me believe I was not a sinner.

I hear him hum in satisfaction. He doesn't question my disappearance, nor does he whisper words of annoyance. He just holds me like he's holding me for the first time. As if I'm a fragile piece of glass. His arms provide protection and security. Even from myself.

I want this. I want him.

I feel him bend down and snake one arm over the back of my knees as the other sits across my shoulder. He lifts me up and starts moving. I don't complain. I can't. I just lean my head against his solid chest and close my eyes. My breathing calms but my heart starts racing.

When he finally stops, I feel him bend down once again and place me on top of a cold surface of the table. I open my eyes to his chest and feel his lips on my forehead before he turns to leave, only to come back with a towel and a change of clothes.

He puts the towel over my head and ruffles softly, drying my hair, but his eyes never leaves mine. I feel his hands play with my hair every now and then. When he was satisfied, he picks up the white t-shirt that he kept on the table and holds it out for me. I take it from him, my hand brushing against his, igniting soft sparks.

He takes a step away and turns around, but he doesn't leave. I squint my eyes at his back before finally realising what he was doing. I quickly get off the table and get rid of my damp clothes. I took the towel that was still on the table and hurriedly wiped my body dry before putting the t-shirt on. His t-shirt.

"I'm done." I whisper for him to turn back around, already missing his brown eyes on mine. But he stands still.

A moment passes when he finally decides to speak. "Christopher. My name's Christopher Constantinou."

That was the first time I heard his name. I didn't even know it until now. A Constantinou. A warrior. No wonder he was so built, even more so than the rest of the Lycan.

His name imprinted itself on my heart and branded on my soul. Now I had a name for this unworldly beautiful Lycan of mine. I kept saying his name over and over in my head. I bit my lips to stop myself from saying it out loud.

He turns around and takes a step towards me, but my eyes are focused on his chest as he hovers over me. I felt him lean down and place his forehead on top of mine, making me inhale a sharp breath.

What was this Lycan doing to me?

"Be mine." His husky breath sends a chill down my spine. He wasn't asking.

My heart suddenly goes cold for the first time, making me shiver. He brings his hand up and brushes lightly against my face. My eyes flutter, trying to fight the feelings that was starting to seep into my heart once again.

I felt the soft glow light up once again, burning high, warming my body in an instant. I try to move away from him, but he quickly places his free hand around my waist and pulls me close, my hands landing on his chest in reflex. The image of the morning runs through my mind.

"Please. I don't want to hurt you." I whisper as I try to push him away.

But he only tightens his hold on me. His hand cups my face and gently lifts it up so I could look at him in the eye. His face was painted with a gorgeous smile, one side of his face was lighted up by the moon light while the other shadowed. He was sinfully beautiful.

"Don't leave me then."

Tears brim my eyes as the heat inside my heart recoils. I blink the tears away. "Be mine." He whispers again, moving his lips closer to my ear, sending shivers down my body. He lifts me up again and moves towards the bed, laying me down. I scot over to the side and he joins me, pulling me into his arms again.

He lands soft kisses over my head and buries himself into me as I do the same. His arms tighten around me, connecting our body even more, his leg coming to wrap over one of my own. He was breathing me, like he did the first time. Like I was a drug that he needed.

I don't complain. I just close my eyes and breath him in as well, pressing my face flat against his chest like the night before. My heart was content, and I soon fell the sleep come over. Another night, I slept. Soundly, without any nightmares.

It was like he blocked them all.

I found peace in his arms. I was safe in them. I belonged here. So, once again, I prayed to the goddess out there somewhere to show me a sign. To tell me it was okay to let go of my past. To let me know that it was okay to be in his warm embrace.

That it was okay.

To love...

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