Roaring Flame

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Eliana Tessa Castellanos

It was a routine now. I would avoid him during the day and pretend that he didn't exist. But being him, it wasn't possible. He would always find a way to be around me, with his arms on me, showering kisses over my head, sending soft sparks.

I would always end up having one sided argument with him. Because he would just smile or chuckle at me when I got angry. Although, I felt annoyed most times, I loved seeing his smiles. It made him look so carefree. Happy even.

And at nights, I would fall asleep in his arms. A peaceful one.

He would hold me as if I would escape right out of his arms when he was deep in sleep. I wasn't going to though. Well, not anytime soon.

Just the thought of not seeing those brown eyes or his mesmerising smile, makes the fire in my heart go haywire. His scent, his electric touches, his soft lips peppering kisses over my head. I was starting to get addicted to them. To him.

This Lycan that I wanted to be mine. That I wanted to call mine. Christopher.

This afternoon, he left to go somewhere, and I was left missing his touches. The feel of his hands wrapped around my body. The need to be with him was constantly making me mad at myself. I let out a deep growl of annoyance as I lean my head back on the sofa by the window.

As always, the café was quiet. Not a soul. Except for the Lycan behind the counter, doing whatever she was doing. I don't know why she ever opened a café if she never wanted any people around. Even if they somehow managed to find it, they would never return.

"So, did you think about it?" I hear Harmony's usual calm voice.

I open my eyes just as she takes a seat on the sofa in front of me. I fold my arms and give her a look as if I didn't have a clue what she was talking about. She shakes her head, a sigh leaving her lips.

"Clearly not then." She answers her own question.

She leans forward with her elbow on her knees as her eyes scans my face. "He clearly wants you and so do you. So, what's the issue here, Tess?"

My mouth opens and closes, but I was not capable of forming any words at the moment. I was too shocked because someone else said the words that only my conscious spoke of. He wants me? I know I want him. So, what was the issue here?

Nothing. I-

Then my brain reminds me of what I seem to have forgotten.

Her bloodied body. Torn flesh.

Breathing hard, I sit upright. I put my hands through my hair pushing it back as I too lean forward.

Me. I was the issues.

Unless I forgive myself, I could never return back. But I could never face her again. Or him.

I look up to face harmony, finally calm enough, my hands still on the sides of my head, keeping my hair away from my face. I look into her eyes. "I can never go back, Harmony. I cannot ever forgive myself. Every time I think of going back, I-I see her..."

I stand up and move to the window, looking at the sea outside, wondering if I go far and deep within it, would I be able to disappear from this world? Would I be able to forget?

I close my eyes and her bloodied and tattered body flashes all over again. "I cannot forget it. Her." I let out a long breath as I open my eyes once again, heavy with tears that I refused to shed. I blink it away, like always.

I turn around to face her with a sad smile. "I'm going to have to leave again. Will you come with me, Harmony?"

She takes a sharp breath as she looks up at me. "What about him then? You can't just leave him. Tess-"

I shake my head. "I'm going to have to." It will kill me, but I have to let him go. He belongs to the palace and I have already kept him away for long enough. "He doesn't belong with me." My voice comes out as a whisper.

"But he was destined for you as you were for him. You cannot run away from him forever." She too stands up, arms folded across, her face holds a sadness that no one can comprehend. Not even me.

"Eternity is long. And when alone, it can be a lot lonelier. Hold on when you can, Tess. You might not get this chance again." She lightly places her palm on my shoulder and gives it a gentle tap. "I'm telling you as someone who really cares about you, sister. Really think about it before you decide anything."

She gives me a tight-lipped smile and walks away from there, leaving me all by myself. I see her turn the sign to 'closed' before she opens the door and walks out the house.

I turn to face the sea as her words play on repeat. Eternity will be long and painful without him. I take a loud shaky breath, my heart squeezes tightly and the flames in them roars, slowly seeping into my veins.

I close my eyes and bite my bottom lip hard to stop the roaring flames, but I couldn't control it. I felt it seep through the outer layer of my skin. I clench my hands, ready to bolt out to the sea. Then I felt it.

His touch.

The warm tingles on my arms stops the roaring flames from spreading any further and retreats within. I let out the breath that I had been holding, leaning my back against his warm body as his arms snakes around my body, his head buried on my hair.

"It's okay. I'm here now." I hear him whisper, calming me as he litters soft kisses on the back and the crown of my head.

I felt defeated. Truly lost on my own game.

I didn't want to run anymore. I wanted to be here with him.

But only if the goddess allowed it. But right now, she seemed a bit too cruel as she watched me suffer in silence.

When I was calm enough, he slowly turns me around and leans his head down on mine. Both his hands now cupping my face, but I have my eyes shut.

"Eliana." His breath fans over my face, lighting up small sparks. My eyes flutter open to meet his beautiful chocolate brown orbs that I fell for, from the very first time I laid my eyes on them. "I'm here now and I'm never letting you go again." His deep voice holds promises in them.

I want to hold on to those words. I want to believe in them. I want to hold on to him too.

But could I ever look past everything? Could I truly be with him without any guilt?

Tell me goddess, could I ever be with him?

Show me a sign. Send me a prophet.


Castellanos - A Flame That Never DiesWhere stories live. Discover now