Burning Desire

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Christopher Constantinou

I fist my hands and hold my anger as I turn to leave. I couldn't just stand here and listen to her talk about how much Eliana had been suffering anymore. I needed to hold her. I needed her back in my arms.

Soon everyone follows me out of the house, but it seems like Alastair was already by the car. "Christian, looks like Miss Castellanos did go to the club."

As soon as he says it, I open the door to the driver's seat. At the same time, Amara, Lucas and Aya takes the back seat while Elias opens the door to my other side. "We are coming with you."

I nod my head and we all speed down the road in search of my runway mate. She better not have left me again. I hold the steering wheel tightly. The whole journey to the club was filled with empty silence.

I jump out of the car and burst the door open. Her scent still lingered in the air, but I didn't feel her presence anymore. She was long gone. But what angered me was the presence of another. What was he? Not a Lycan. A werewolf? No. Not that either. And he was currently siting by the counter with the same bartender from the other day.

I march towards them. "Where is she?" I couldn't stop growling, even though I knew that the bartender was but a human.

But the man did not seem fazed by it. He lazily turns around in his seat to face me and holds my angry gaze with that piercing blue eyes of his, but he does not submit. Not even to a Lycan who was on a brink of losing control.

Even though he was not entirely a werewolf, I could smell the Alpha blood in him but that didn't mean anything. The werewolves never dared cross paths with Lycans. At least not knowingly. But he clearly wasn't just any werewolf. If he was one, that is.

"Where is she?" I growl lowly.

His brows arch up as he takes in my question. Then his eyes shifts slightly. "You're her mate." He states.

Not able to hold it anymore, the next thing I know is that I'm holding him up by his collar. I'm taller than him by an inch or so, but he was still not fazed or intimated. My eyes were getting darker than the night itself and the veins on my temples were starting to pop out. But this creature had no fear.

None at all.

He grabs my wrist and pulls my hand away from his chest. I seem to have underestimated him. He was stronger than the rest too. But I was too angry to question his identity. At this moment, all I wanted was to find her. To hold her. To have her in my arms again.

"I thought she left to see you." He growls back. His eyes equally turning dark while an unknown power starts to ooze out of him. What was he? But what he said makes me blink in confusion.

"She left not too long ago." He says again, but this time he has his eyes close as he inhales long deep breaths, trying to calm himself. And when he finally opens them, he was somehow calm, but his eyes were still very dark.

I don't understand how he has this kind of self-control, how he could come back like this. Gain back control and remain calm without a mate.

No werewolf or Lycan or in fact any other creature could do that. Have so much control over the beast that's within us. At least not without our true mate.

"I truly don't know where she is now."

I grit my teeth, trying to hold the Lycan back but it was too late. Only she can calm this monster in me now. No matter how much self-control I had, I cannot- I couldn't seem to control myself.

"Please tell us if you have any clue where she might be." Amara walks up beside me with Lucas stuck to her like a glue.

He finally tears his eyes from mine and looks beside me. His brows knit together as he looks at her and sniffs the air around, but he doesn't say anything.

I hear Lucas growl and move in front of Amara to hide her from his stares. Lucas was a typical possessive Lycan. But he was not like others. He had learned through his own pain of what it was like to lose a mate. And I was not going to wait here for the same fate to fall upon me.

"Christian, you need to see this." Just then Alastair appears out of the room from the corner. I follow him into the room with the others.

Three large monitors were on the desk with footages of the club. A couple of them paused, showing Eliana's soft blond hair. My eyes flickers through the different footages until it lands on the dark alleyway where the screen was paused at.

"Zoom in to that one and play it." I command, pointing at the screen.

I see her walk in a hurry, unaware of the three that followed her right behind and caught her from the back. One of them put something over her face and soon her body goes limp. She falls unconscious and a deep growl resonates from me as I take in the scene.

I turn and punch through the wall. "Find them."

My eye goes to the bartender who was on the chair in front of the monitor, looking at me. Horrified. Terror clear in his eyes.

"Alastair, call Harmony." I order still holding his eyes.

"No need for that." Before Alastair could reply, I hear Harmony's calm voice. I turn my head around as she walks in the room towards us, her eyes on mine. But as soon as she gets close, she looks down at the human and smiles at him.


She extends her hand forward for the human to shake who was now looking at her too. I don't know if it was her gift or those unique set of eyes of hers that compelled them to look at her. I watch the human as he slowly extends his hand forward.

Harmony grabs onto his hand impatiently. A loud gasp escapes him, but she smiles sweetly at him. "You didn't see us here tonight, now did you?" She asks him almost flirtingly.

And he nods his head just like that. "You will forget about seeing any of us here. Tonight, it was really quiet, no one showed up. You cleaned up the place and you closed as usual. Without any complications."

She tugs his hand and pulls him up. "Now you will go and prepare to close for the night. Don't worry we'll be gone by then."

She moves to stand behind him and slightly gives his back a push so he could make his way out of the room. And he did so, without looking back or questioning her.

Harmony Artino.

The niece of the queen. She had one scary gift. One touch was all it took. No wonder they wanted her back in the palace. Of course, along with her being the only blood family of the queen now. I know that she loved her like her own daughter, regardless of what her parents had done. No one ever blamed her. Not even Amara. But it was not my place to say anything.

I nod my head at her in appreciation and she does the same. After getting all the information we need and altering the footage, we all head out of there. We managed to get the number plate of the car that they had taken her in, and Alastair was already on the call with his men to track them down.

The night was still long. And very lonely without her. I felt a burning desire in me. A need so strong. To hunt. To kill.

Whoever it was will not live to see the sun again. Once I get my hands on them, I will destroy the entire land that they walked on. They will know no mercy.

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