Bonus: Leaving A Trace

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Hey beautiful people, the bonus chapters is a build up of the next series so if you don't wish to continue the series, I would suggest you to not read any further. Thank you to everyone that has supported me throughout. Love Mila❤️


Looking at them makes me think about a life with friends, with families. A life with laughter. A meaningless laughter, but one that fills your heart. One that makes you happy.

A freedom to laugh without a reason was not written in my destiny. Tess was where she was meant to be, where she belonged. She was home.

So, she had no need for me. I had to leave from their lives once again, like I always have. That's the only thing I was good at doing. Being erased.

I am like a desert, never leaving a footprint behind. The wind will always carry it away from the face of the earth. I lived being erased. Like I never existed. Like I was never born.

The once empty house that always screamed with silence was now filled with joyous chatter and meaningless laughter. As we all crowd around the dining table for dinner, sweet aroma of the food fills the house along with a sense of warmth. A feeling that I was always foreign to. The feeling that I never truly knew.

My parents were not exactly the ones that provided me with love and warmth. They lived with a purpose and died with one. Even their death did nothing to break my heart. And that scared me.

Was I turning like them? Emotionless. Cold. And cunning.

Even if I was, I will not let the changes in me to affect the ones around me. Before I influence my negativity on them, I will leave and what better place than this. What better time than now.

Right now, everyone had someone to hold on to. To love. To live for.

Then my eye falls on the man who sits in silence amongst this cheerful bunch of Lycans. He seems distant. There was this sadness in his eyes, but I saw hope in them too. A belief in the future unlike me. I thought that we were the only two unlucky creation of the goddess that sat amongst this blessed group. But I'm starting to think otherwise.

No, I am sure of it.

It was only me that was unlucky. Unblessed. Even my gift proved that the goddess wanted nothing more of me. As if she wanted me to erase myself, even from her own eyes. She had forgotten ever creating me. She had forgotten that I still exist midst her other creations. She had lost count of me as I have now lost my belief in her.

Goddess and destiny were never in my favour. The moment they birth me in their wombs, they had already decided me unworthy of any love. I was no child of the goddess. I was just a sin. A punishment for her ungrateful children.

I was just but another medium.

I smile as the laughter around the table rings my ears. But this somehow warms my numb heart. I allow myself to indulge in their madness and make myself a part of them. Just for a little while longer.

I look at Amara. A part of her neck now designed in a beautiful green looked anything but enchanting and magical. Although it enhanced her beauty further, it also was like a visual reminder to me. It was never Eliana. No, all along it was me. Because I was born to my parents. Because my parents desired power.

They let a child separate from their mother. They almost killed a child. For what?

Just so no one could take their daughter's place to be at the top?

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