Bonus: One Blessed Raven

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Amara Raven Silvermoon

I wake up in his arms once again. I have become so accustomed to this now, waking up to his warm embrace. He never lets me out of his sight not unless he knows I'm safe and heavily guarded in his absence. Although that doesn't happen often.

This Lycan of mine became rather possessive and protective when I opened my eyes after the incident twenty years ago. And even more so after I was crowned with the title of the princess.

I don't mind though because it meant that I had him all for myself. He was mine and mine only. But it does get a little annoying at times. I would give him an earful and he would still be standing beside me holding my hands as if the words I threw at him were soft whispers of love.

By now, I have given up trying to persuade this possessive Lycan that he had nothing to worry about.

I look at his sleeping form. His face, carefree and peaceful, his skin glowed gently and his hair shined bright against the sunlight that was streaming through the glass window. Tempted by the view in front of me, my hand moves on its own to feel his soft golden mane. I hover my fingers over his face to gently trace the line of the god's artwork. Tall nose, soft lips. Oh, how I can never get tired of this.

A smile crawls my face as my heart flutters lightly.

Then something hits me like a bolt of lightning, waking me up from my thoughts. I blink my eyes and remove my hands from his face. Slowly turning around to lie back down, eyes glued to the vacant ceiling.

Last night feels fuzzy. Almost as if something was amiss. Like I lost a part of myself.

But I just couldn't figure it out. I can't fit the puzzles together and there's this emptiness in my heart. Everything feels normal, at the same time there's this feeling in my heart that I forgot something. Someone.

I feel Lucas stir, his hold on my waist tightening as he does so. And just like that nothing matters anymore. I was back in my own little world. This feeling that was making me restless just puffs away.

Ravens, oh Ravens.

I look at the white interior, beautifully decorated with rainbow of flowers, perfectly filled, like a work of art splattered on an empty canvas. Seems as if Eliana had settled down and even owned a café here. It makes me wonder even more on how much she has changed over the decades that I hadn't seen her.

I wonder if I'm unfamiliar with her sense of style now. For as long as I have known her, Eliana herself, would have never picked these flowers or these colours. Her choices were always the most elegant piece of art, even if it was as simple as a bouquet of flowers. She has changed.

But it doesn't matter. I'll get to know her again. Because we have eternity laid out for us. Together. Without wasting more time, we decided it was best to leave now that everything was sorted out between us. We had our privet jet ready to depart and head back home anytime. But I just couldn't help this feeling that was starting to resurface.

Nothing seems out of place and nobody looks distraught. Not even a slightest bit. Everyone just seems fine. Like it was just any other day. So, I too try and bury this feeling deep inside.

For now.

I just sit on the couch in the corner and watch its beauty slowly disappear. The plain white covers now decorate the once bright blue furniture, sealed and ready to be locked away. What once dazzled me, now completely lost.

I release a deep sigh. It was such a waste to leave it in this state. But it's not like we were going to stay here forever, and Eliana just couldn't part with this place. So, with a promise to return often, we decided to just leave it vacant.

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