Power To Burn

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Eliana Tessa Castellanos

I wake up to this fatigue state that had engulfed my body and taken over my brain. I couldn't feel my hands or legs, but I knew I was tied with cold metal chains that was somehow digging into my skin.

I will my eyes to get used to the darkness and see that I was in fact tied to a chair with sharp metal chain across my body and over my limbs. But it was not like I could move even if I wanted to. I could barely hold my head straight to look at the dark surrounding that I was caged in.

It was filled with its gruesome emptiness and a stench so vile, it made me want to puke. Where was I?

Flashes of last night comes rushing through my brain. It seems like I was taken as a hostage once again. How can I be so stupid and keep falling into their trap? It made me grumble at my own carelessness.

With a lot of struggle, I was finally able to hold my head up and back, to stare at the dark ceiling. Just when I had accepted that it was okay to be afraid of the past. To live a future where I would not regret, I was snatched away from it.

Anger courses through my veins, but I was like a ragged doll that could do nothing but wait for the fire to burn again. This was the third time that I was exposed to this herb that took everything away from me.

My Lycan. My gift. My strength.

It left me weak and useless. And I hated it. This feeling of not being able to do anything.

I close my eyes and see those dark brown eyes. His eyes. My mate.

Only mine.

How much I missed him right now. How I wished I had accepted him. How I hoped to be in his arms. I start dreaming while being wide awake.

Where was he? Does he know that I'm gone? How long has it been? Did he think that I left him? Was he worried thinking that I had left him?

No. I don't want him to think that I have left him again. I cannot. I can never leave him knowing what he looks like. Knowing what his touch feels against mine. I would rather die than not be able to see those warm brown eyes for the rest of eternity.

When I finally wanted to be with him, I was torn apart from him once again. Seems like the goddess truly doesn't want me to be with him. A sigh leaves my lips as I bow my head forward and open my eyes to my chained lap.

Red blood oozed out of my body as the sharp metal spikes pierce deep into my flesh. Along with the drug and amount of the blood loss, I was weak. Even weaker than a human at this point. The sharp ends still pierced deep into my body didn't allow any healing to take place.

Between my fading conscious in this darkness and my wandering thoughts, all I could do now was wait for the bastards to show up and tell me what they want from me. I want to know if they were the same group of werewolves as before and if they were, what were their motives.

As far as I know, I don't hold such power to give them anything. Unless they want to turn into ashes which I will be more than happy to do so.

After what felt like years of waiting, I finally hear the clicking of the metal door. At this point, I don't know if I was hearing things or if it was real. I was hardly able to keep myself conscious. I was beyond tired at this point.

There was nothing more that I wanted to do at this point than to be back in his arms and let the sleep take over my mind and my body. But I held on. For my unpredictable future. I want to clench my hands, but I couldn't feel them. I couldn't even move my fingers.

Whoever they were, they knew more about us. They knew that silver had no effects on us so I'm guessing after they drugged me, they tied me with this sharp metal chain which was enough to keep me alive but not enough to kill me.

I could feel the slow rhythm of my heart. Even my heart was slowing. My breath getting shallower with each passing second. Sooner more than later, I would definitely lose my conscious.

But a part of me wants to hold on. Hold on to myself so I could hold on to him.

Aries Blackwood.

His words repeat over my mind and that's the only thing keeping me conscious now. It gives me strength to fight for what's mine. To take what was mine. And I want nothing more than the other half of my soul.

I hear the jingling of more chains, followed by the loud creak of the door. The dim light from outside floods into the dark room that I was held in. Even that little source of light was too bright for me at this point. I close my eyes shut and blink a few times to adjust to the lights.

I didn't know how long I was being held in here. Nor the place that I was held in.

"Ah. Princess, you are still awake." A rather amused voice speaks from the door. Then I hear a few footsteps getting closer to me.

I see a pair of black shoes in front of my vision and then I'm yanked by my hair, my head tilting up and back to look at the man in front of me. His ugly dark eyes held a hint of madness and his thin lips were curled up on one corner.

I hated the look on his face as I hated the vile stench coming off him.

Blood. Death. I could smell the scent of fresh blood that he had showered himself with. I knew he meant nothing good. "Sorry I had no choice but to hold you like this."

His breath fans over my face which makes me want to puke all over his face. But I was too weak to even do that. I let out a soft growl. It was meant to be loud and threatening but that was all I could manage at this point.

"Don't worry princess. You will soon be mine and we will rule the world together." I spit on his face which was mixed with my blood. I look at him with hate and pure rage. I chuckle at him when the smirk disappears from his face.

"You don't own me. I will never be yours. You-"

I feel my ears ringing as my head swings to the side, blinding me. I feel a sting in my cheek and soon a hard tug on my hair which makes me close my eyes right back. I bite my bottom lip to stop any painful huffs from escaping. No, I was not going to show them any weakness.

The bastard grabs my chin with his other hand. Painfully tight might I add. I could feel his sharp fingernails sinking into my flesh and I feel more blood trickle down my neck. I bite my lip even harder as the warm liquid continuously keeps oozing out.

Now I was truly losing a lot of blood. I should have lost my conscious, but the pain was the only thing keeping me from losing myself to the inevitable darkness.

I was angry at myself now. At my gift. The power to burn. What use was it if I couldn't command it as per my wish? What use was this flame when it couldn't burn when I needed it to?

What use was it to me now?

Castellanos - A Flame That Never DiesWhere stories live. Discover now