Peace To The Burning Heart

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Eliana Tessa Castellanos


The time stopped for me as I felt his sharp canines pierce the soft flesh on the base of my neck. Fury infuriates over me. It takes over my being.

My heart that almost stopped the night before, starts pumping the flames of hatred. This body was not his to mark. I was not hopeless. Not anymore.

I was fire. I burn the sea itself. I was not weak.

A roar of scream leaves my mouth and I feel him leave my body just as soon as he touches it. He just managed to bite me, not mark me. I feel the now hot liquid pouring through the bite mark from my neck.

I see his eyes widen as they focus solely on my puncture neck. I feel myself burning. I fist my hands on my side and let the flames flare out angrily.

My vision turns blue. Everything I see was blue. Angry blue.

It was because of my flames. My icy blue flames that loos like it could even cut the sky open. My vengeance had made my own flames deadlier, sharper than the blade of any sword.

I hiss at him and the group of pitiful werewolves behind him who knew nothing about a wrath of a Lycan. A true Lycan set to kill. I will the blue flames to take a shape of a sharp spear and send it flying in their direction, shooting them down. The blue spear cuts right through their flesh and burns their existence from the world.

A true chaos starts as more werewolves comes barging in through the door, some shifts as soon as they see the burning hell that the great hall had turned into.

A hell of blue flames.

I feel my wounds sewing itself back, and I could feel myself getting a little stronger. Just a little though.

I knew I wouldn't last much longer, not with the amount of blood that I had lost over the period of time that I was held captive and with all this energy that the blue flames were taking from me. It was only a matter of time before I fell.

Ashes falls like snowflakes, and piles and piles of them scatters around the marble flooring of the hall. But my angry blue flames once again turns to its soft orange, yellow hue. It was starting to flicker, almost dying out.

Now I stand hunched, my breath heavy. I was close to passing out. The flames took everything from me but even more from them.

Only four werewolves remained who had fully shifted and was guarding the coward of a Lycan that hid behind them while the rest had ceased to exist. Not much of followers he had left now.

"A king without a throne. A ruler without its people."

A laughter bubbles up inside me as I look at this pathetic Lycan that desired to rule the world. That dreamed of possessing the name Castellanos. That dared to imagine me as his mate.

"You are a pathetic being." I slur out. My flames now completely out. "And you call yourself a leader." I scoff weakly, shaking my head.

Then I feel my lungs suffocate and the sharp claws digging at my throat, stopping any supply of air. But I grin at him. Even when the fresh blood once again falls freely down my body and I was lifted off the ground, I smile.

This time, I didn't struggle. I couldn't. The fire in my heart was completely extinguished. Even if this Lycan were to sever my head off my body, I did not fear death. Because that would mean that no one else was able to mark my body. Claim my soul.

I just had one regret though. I could not call that Lycan mine. The owner of the warm chocolate brown eyes. The capturer of my heart and soul. I could not tell him that I loved him.

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