Chapter 19 ~ Relaxing

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Third Person Perspective
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The rest of the time the two siblings spent a lot of time together. They didn't exactly leave the room, due to (Y/n)'s fear of the others and Kai's fear of him not being able to protect her from everyone. Besides, they were perfectly happy with just each other.

The day had to end though, and (Y/n) and Splendor left back to their home. (Y/n) seemed more relaxed now, Splendor had noted. Maybe Kai needed to come over more, help (Y/n) calm down.

What Splendor was more concerned about was the information he had gotten from his brothers. Slender informed him that she had been upset, due to something that had to do with her father and step-mother. But then there was the information he received from Offender. Trender let (Y/n) get a lingerie set? That seemed a little inappropriate for (Y/n) and Trender to do.

Plus, Trender and (Y/n) hadn't been around each other that much to even consider doing something like— that. It surprised him. Shocked him. Made him feel a little betrayed honestly. Though, he couldn't force (Y/n) to choose him. That wouldn't be fair.

Either way though, he could just enjoy (Y/n) while she's his. A movie would be nice for tonight, as well as a nice dinner. He'd be happy with that. Her biggest smiles always came from after laughing a lot. So a comedy would be nice.

They soon arrived home and (Y/n) gave a sigh of relief. Obviously, she had felt a little uncomfortable at Slender's place.

"Are you alright, (Y/n)?" Splendor asked, keeping a calm smile on his features, though so many questions ran through his head.

"Yeah, I guess it was just a little uncomfortable for me over there. I-I didn't like being stared at by everyone on the way out." (Y/n) admitted, a clear hint of discomfort in her voice.

"They'll stop eventually. I was thinking we should watch a funny movie tonight?" Splendor said as they entered. (Y/n) gave a weak hum of acknowledgement, then shook her head.

"I don't really feel like watching a movie Splendy... I just want to shower and eat... then maybe we could cuddle?" She asked, sounding a little hopeful. Splendid blushed lightly and nodded.

"Of course, we could do that!" He exclaimed, making (Y/n) smile. "I'll get to making dinner, you go wash up!"

(Y/n) giggled and gave Splendor a hug. She then gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you Splendor." She said before she went upstairs to her room.

Splendor was now redder than Slender's hallway carpet. He couldn't believe she did that. Maybe she didn't realize she did it, but she did. Splendor found himself swooning as he watched her disappear into her room.

'What just happened?!' Splendor yelled at himself in his head. He felt all kinds of weird and nice and warm; so uncomfortably warm. Despite his mental freak out, he couldn't stop smiling.

She kissed him! She kissed him! Right on the cheek!

This changed things with his assumption about her and Trender.

~ • ~

(Y/n) stared at herself in the mirror. The scars, the green, almost healed, bruises... she thought it was all over. The abuse and control. She thought she was finally free. Maybe her brother helped her feel better, but that didn't change the fact that they still controlled aspects of her life.

(Y/n) knew she could only be happy that she had her brother and Splendor to comfort her. Maybe she had Trender's support as well, but she wasn't going to push it. A smile graced her lips as she tried to clear her thoughts.

She just needed to relax. That's why she was taking a shower. A nice warm shower.

(Y/n) got into the shower and shuddered at the sudden change in temperature. A hum quickly followed though. The tension in her body was released and she leaned against the cold wall.

Her mind slipped off to her mother. She hadn't heard much from her mother recently and she was beginning to worry. Again, she tried not to think about it.

She just tried to focus on Splendor. He was making dinner, then they would eat and end the day cuddling. (Y/n) hoped he didn't mind the kiss, she felt bad for being so needy for the past while. It was a strange adjustment to go from pain to comfort. She felt she didn't deserve it.

The kiss was nothing but a thank you, but she did find herself starting to like her friend. Maybe even Trender. It was weird, so she'd ignore it, but she wanted to get to know Offender and Slender more as well. (Y/n) felt terrible for being so insulting earlier, she knew they bumped heads, but that time it was her fault. He was being nice.

Then there's Offender. He's just weird. (Y/n) didn't know as much about him as the others. She really only knew his name and that he went on a date the previous day. She also knew he watched her get the lingerie. (Y/n) just wanted to see herself in it, in the hopes it would make her feel more confident in herself.

She slid onto the floor, slowly and carefully, but just relaxed in the shower. Maybe she should've just taken a bath, but it didn't really matter. She just needed to relax and the shower really helped.

Once she was out, she got dressed in a t-shirt and shorts. (Y/n) also put her hair up in a bun (ignore depending on hair length). She looked at herself again and sighed. This was her alright.

(Y/n) went downstairs and found Splendor setting the table. A smile grew on her lips and she sat down.

"Thank you Splendor." She thanked, to which Splendor nodded.

"Of course! Would you like a drink?" He asked, seeming strangely more cheery than usual.

"I'll have a water please." (Y/n) gave him a small smile.

"No problem!" He said before getting her a glass of water. Once she got it, she thanked him and chatted with him.

The food was delicious and Splendor was fun to talk to as per usual. (Y/n) felt relaxed and she was happy. That's what she should be focused on right now. Being happy.

Her and Splendor cleaned up the kitchen and had their laughs whilst doing so. She loved their time together and loved seeing him smile.

After they cleaned up, she was pretty much ready for bed. Her and Splendor went up to her room, just talking and having their laughs. Splendor got in the bed and (Y/n) got on top of him, nuzzling him.

"Thank you for being here for me, Splendor."

"My pleasure, (Y/n)..."

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