Chapter 31 ~ The Meeting

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(I stretched this idea a little too much that I stopped liking it, so sorry for the short chapter and sorry that it took forever to come out, I just hated writing it cause it was not the best idea on my part. Better chapters will come out later.)

Enjoy anyway :)

Third Person Perspective

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"(Y/n)!" Splendor gasped in relief when he saw you, accompanied by Zalgo. She could barely muster a smile as she trembled by the demon's side.

"Zalgo. Let her go." Slender demanded, a
glare on his blank features. He could sense (Y/n)'s fear and the pain she was experiencing from whatever Zalgo had done to her.

"No, I don't think I will she's my pet now: you've had her long enough." Zalgo replied bored, grabbing a handful of (Y/n)'s hair before shoving her down into her knees. She whimpered as her vision started to turn (f/c) again. "Besides, women with this much finesse can be wonderful slaves: can't they?"

With that final statement the (f/c) over took her vision and the world eventually faded to black.

"What deal must I make with you Zalgo?" Slender asked, clasping his hands together, keeping his eyes on the demon rather than his unconscious lover.

"Hmm... one of your deaths would be lovely."

"How about more land? From your current property line extended 2 acres." Slender said, his voice stern.

"She's worth more than 2 pathetic acres of land I won't use. What about... give me a month to slaughter whoever I want in the town. I won't kill everyone but there might certainly be a raise in precautions for you!" Zalgo chuckled, darkly, knowing he was outsmarted this time.

With an increase in land and deaths, he'd be satisfied for a few years before his rage would swiftly return back to the slender family. And this human could be his constant exchange, yes that would work. Perhaps they hadn't outsmarted him.

"Well, 2 acres of land and a killing spree. You got your girl back, but first, let us enjoy dinner." Zalgo said with an even more menacing chuckle. The slender brothers looked down upon the food placed in front of them. There was something off about it and as Zalgo stared expectingly, they could only presume it was poisoned.

"I'm sure there are others who'd appreciate this dinner more than others." Slender declared, watching as Splendor picked up (Y/n) and teleported away. Next, it was Trender, then Offender, and finally, Slender.

When (Y/n)'s eyes finally opened, her body felt weak, yet hot again. There were still pains here and there, but beyond that, what happened had felt like a nightmare. Something was different. And when she lifted her head, it was confirmed: she was back in her room: back home.

Turning her head the other way, she saw Kai with his arms wrapped around her as he slept. Judging by the redness around his eyes, he had missed her. At least now she knew it wasn't a dream. She still wished it was.

Slipping out of Kai's grasp, (Y/n) left the room and crept about: looking for any of the brothers, wondering if this moment itself was a dream. The thought was silly, but she couldn't feel pain when she pinched her arm, she was drugged after all.

Soon, she spotted a tall figure. Despite her limp, she ran to the person and hugged them tightly. When she felt warm arms around her, and the soft jingle of bells from his tendrils, (Y/n) knew it was Splendor. Happiness filled her, as well as desire.

"S-Splendy..." she sighed in relief, nuzzling into him after he picked her up. She heard him return her greeting before she felt a kiss be placed on her cheek.

"Welcome back."

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