Chapter 6: E

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My skin burnt and I started scratching. Ever since I woke up it as if my body were rejecting itself. First, I threw up all my breakfast, and now my arm was turning red and I was burning all over. What did he do to me? Whatever he gave me yesterday had given me an allergic reaction, and I could feel the annoyance creep up on me as I realized that I would have to go there and question him about it so that I could treat myself. It must've been a foreign antibiotic or probiotic. As I stepped into the campgrounds, I couldn't help but feel chills run down my spine. The camp looked even more eerie today. Somehow it always reminded me of concentration camps, but maybe that was just my view.

A guard blocked my way and I flashed him my ID card. He took the liberty of searching me before letting me pass, and when he went too slow, I shot him a dirty look that implied that he should back off. He let go and told me that I am all clear. Security on the campgrounds has increased over the past years, mostly because three years ago two maniac students came to school with guns and started shooting up the place. Twelve students were killed, including members of the honor roll. That meant some of our greatest minds were taken from us by some kids who thought life was to be taken for granted. They were executed in the end.

My first class for the day was AP Chemistry. I steadied my backpack over my shoulder as I opened my notebook. I started making soft strokes with the end of my pencil as I filled in the details on the man's face that I drew. I took harder strokes as I drew his hairline. This calmed me. This was my escape. Away from our dying people and my haunted dreams. Nobody has ever seen my drawings because it was mine. I didn't want to share this with the world. I shared everything with the world around me, and I wanted this just to be mine. This and the truth about my heart – which I assumed was not my secret anymore since yesterday. The man had tired eyes, and he focused on something in the distance. I couldn't see what, but he was focused intently on it, like it was important to him. He wasn't handsome as his nose was a little crooked, which put an emphasis on his almond shaped eyes.

"Where did you go yesterday?" I jumped and my pencil slid through my picture. My heart leapt as a feeling of anger crept up my skin. I looked over at my invader of space, just to see a blue haired girl stare at me with intrigue. I stared at her glimmering ash eyes, and she frowned at my silence. She looked between me and the book that I slapped shut and shoved into my bag.

"After my incident with Leader Clyde I had to calm down." I said and I looked at her and gave her a small smile. "I fell asleep. I guess I didn't know that I was that tired." I lied and she took a moment to observe me before snorting and fumbling excitedly in her pocket. She took out a crumbled note from her leather jackets front pocket and handed it to me excitedly. I pursed my lips in confusion as I opened it. It read:

Would you go to the graduation dance with me? - Dash

"Can you believe he asked me? I really thought that he would ask Megan, but he didn't. He asked me and now I'm going to our graduation dance with Dash Moore." She said with a dreamy voice, dancing in place, and I rolled my eyes. I handed her back the note and I frowned at her.

"Wait, we have a dance?" I asked and she let out a shocked gasp. Azaria might've been my best friend, and behind her blue haired and pierced nose and leather clothed exterior, she was very dramatic and insecure, and sometimes I wish that she could get a slap from reality so that she could realise the world is harsher and harder than what she thought it was. We were opposites, her whole being vibrated with excitement, whilst mine radiated normality.

"Uh yeah! It's on the fifth - just before our finals. C'mon Ensley you can't be that oblivious." She scoffed and I gave her a blank stare. If only she knew how oblivious I could be to social events. I've been more than a little bit busy with problems of my own lately. Besides, I wasn't the type of girl to go to parties and dances and who hung out with her friends after school. I was the type who preferred studying and keeping to myself. That way everyone stayed safe and I didn't get hurt again.

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