Chapter 16: E

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I had been avoiding everyone for the past couple of days. Azaria wouldn't even look at me, and Raider was nowhere to be found, and as for the rest of the people that whispered their insults, well I ignored them. Keeping to myself seemed like the best way to go, even if that made me feel utterly desolated. Besides that, cleaning the grounds and weeding the gardens hasn't been that bad – except for the fact that it has been raining every afternoon afterschool.

There really wasn't any rest for the wicked.

The morning felt particularly misty. Seasonal change always had that effect on the environment. Mist would bring about heatwaves that made me break out in terrible rashes, which would be made worse with a flu that I would get from the endless afternoon rains.

My ignorance flowered again, replacing any and all feelings I thought I had towards Raider with emotions dictated by the past. That was my problem, I could never look further than the past to actually see the future, and therefore I couldn't accept change or what I couldn't understand. Ignorance wasn't bliss, it was a curse that devoured my life.

I walked to class, trying to choke down the pride that I felt to actually apologize to Azaria, but ultimately failing. In actual fact, it wasn't pride, it was shame. I was ashamed of everything, and the only thing that I could do in my shame was so exile myself from everything and everyone I loved.

It was evident that my mind was everywhere. From Azaria, to Raider, to reflections of my own experiences and emotions – nothing made sense at all. Nothing was logical. Nothing felt right, like it was supposed to be.

Well, I wish I could say that things could not get worse, but that's when things got really bad really fast.

Two guards grabbed me from behind, one tying my hands together with a zip tie. I couldn't think between the mess, but I heard him say "Ensley Stopforth, you are under arrest and to be trialed for the murder of Doctor Eleanor Fitchburg."

"What?" I fought, trying to get out of their grips, but I just fell to my knees and got dragged away. My whole world felt out of balance, and my perfect sphere turned into edges. I could hear the slithers of gossip, and my heart pounded against my chest in revolt. "No, you've got the wrong person."

I tried struggling again, but they just pushed me towards a carriage. I heard my fellow students shout nasty slur at me, and call me names like evil, bitch, and some I don't want to mention. Some chanted that I should be executed for what I did. I did not do anything. I was innocent. Why was I accused for this, and why now?

I went in headfirst and was joined by another guard in the carriage as we were taken away to the local jail.

"I didn't do anything." I repeated, but the guard slapped me through the face, causing it to sting dramatically. I felt shocked by the treatment that I was getting. How was our justice system, if an innocent person could just be blamed for nothing? I knew better than to talk more, for I would be beaten to death before reaching the jail.

As the carriage moved through the village, I could hear the angry shouts of the villagers. They were angry – no infuriated, that I had taken one of the few bright minded individuals away from them. I had a feeling in my gut so pure, that it made me wrench in the carriage. The salty acid filled the wooden casket, and the guard gagged as he moaned in disgust. I knew that they weren't going to take this to trial. The people were angry, and wanted someone to blame, and I was that person. I was the scapegoat, and no matter what I said would save me from my death.

The ride there was not too long, but my heart stated otherwise. It beat me up, and I started to cry because I was so scared. I was so scared of jail. I was so scared because I had no one to defend me. Mostly, I was scared because I was going to die – I was going to die alone.

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